Problemas com palavras preguiçosas



Um professor foi instruído a preparar problemas de palavras para os alunos. Ela recebe uma lista de equações e é instruída a escrevê-las como o problema da palavra correspondente. No entanto, ela é muito preguiçosa, por isso não coloca muita criatividade nisso. Em vez disso, ela simplesmente escreve literalmente. Por exemplo, quando ela lê 1+1, ela escreve one plus one, 47 * 2se tornaria forty seven times twoe 56.2 / 7.4se tornaria fifty six point two divided by seven point four.

Escreva um código para ajudar esse professor preguiçoso.


  • Os números podem incluir um ponto decimal e um sinal negativo.
  • Os números devem ser escritos em pequena escala. (ou seja, 1,000,000,000é one billion)
  • Os números podem chegar a 999.999.999.999.999.999 ( nine hundred ninety nine quadrillion...nine hundred ninety nine).
  • Grupos de zeros devem ser deixados de fora. por exemplo, não 1,000,000é .one millionone million zero thousand zero hundred
  • Arbitrariamente, pode haver muitos dígitos além do ponto decimal.
  • Os dígitos após o ponto decimal devem ser listados dígito por dígito. por exemplo, não 12.34étwelve point three fourtwelve point thirty four .
  • Dois números são sempre separados por um operador.
  • Os operadores válidos são mais ( +), menos ( -), vezes ( *) e divididos por (/ ).
  • Não há parênteses.
  • Números como 1234opcionalmente podem incluir um andem sua saída, como emone thousand two hundred *and* thirty four .
  • Vírgulas e espaços em branco na entrada podem ser ignorados.


Entrada: 24 + 65
Saída:twenty four plus sixty five

Entrada: 3.33333 - 0
Saída:three point three three three three three minus zero

Entrada: 3.6 * 18.18 / 999.0
Saída:three point six times eighteen point one eight divided by nine hundred ninety nine point zero

Entrada: 1-1
Saída:one minus one

Entrada: 1+-1
Saída:one plus negative one

Entrada: 1,000,000,000 + 0.2
Saída:one billion plus zero point two

Entrada: 123,000,456,789,012,345.6789
Saída:one hundred twenty three quadrillion four hundred fifty six billion seven hundred eighty nine million twelve thousand three hundred forty five point six seven eight nine

Entrada: -4.3 * 7
Saída:negative four point three times seven

Entrada: -1-1--1
Saída:negative one minus one minus negative one

Você poderia adicionar algo parecido 123,456,789,012,345.6789aos exemplos? Deve cobrir muitos casos de teste.

Podemos usar em minusvez de negative?
Jo rei

Para o Mathematica: novamente existe um builtin , mas /é overe número negativo é minus, portanto, ele precisa de alguma manipulação.

@ user202729 Incrível ... por que não estou surpreso que o Mathematica tenha um builtin para isso? :)



JavaScript (ES6), 552 532 bytes

Este monstro imundo vem direto das profundezas do inferno do código de golfe.

Espera uma sequência de entrada sem nenhum espaço em branco.

S=>S[R='replace'](/[\d.,]+|./g,s=>1/s[0]?a(+s[S=0]&&14)+s[R](/(\D?)(\d+)/g,(_,s,n)=>s>','?' point'+n[R](/./g,a):j--*n?(u=a(n%10||14),n>99?a(n[0])+' hundred':'')+((n%=100)<13?a(n||14):n<20?(a(n)||u)+'teen':(a(n/10+18)||a(n/10))+'ty'+u)+a(j+27)+(j>1?'illion':''):'',j=s.split`,`.length):a(S='+-*/'.indexOf(s=='-'&&S||s)+34),a=n=>(s='zero0one0two0three0four0five0six0seven0eight0nine0ten0eleven0twelve0thir00fif000eigh00twen0thir0for0fif000eigh00thousand0m0b0tr0quadr0negative0plus0minus0times0divided by'.split`0`[n|0])&&' '+s).trim()

Experimente online!

Você pode cortar 18 bytes substituindo sua literal de string gigante por btoa`ÍêèÒ‰ÞÒÜ(ÒØkyí¢êô~+ÞÒȱÒǯz}ŠmÒx§{K^ŸG¥z÷§ÒÜ–÷´¶«ÓGâM4z(!ÓKpz}-†*ô~Šô~'ôÓG¢‚4¶.±©ÝÒmÒÚôªæ�¯IÞ�«b½í)–ë4š)î³Kb™ë4v+âuçu×Vò`.replace(111,' ').

Adoro respostas que compactam criativamente literais de string como este.


Perl 6 , 434 401 387 359 bytes

{~S:g/\d+/{n($//100+64184)x($/>100),$/%100>19&&(n($//10%10+64175),n($!=$/%10)x?$!)||n($/%100+7679),[$,"thousand",|(<m b tr quadr>X~"illion")][+$/.postmatch.words[0].comb(',')]if +$/} /.trans("+,-/*"=><<plus''minus"divided by"times>>).words}o{S:g/\.(\d)+/ point {$0>>.&n}/}o{S:g/[\s|^]0/ zero/}o{S:g/\-(\d)/negative $0/}

Experimente online!

Definitivamente espaço para melhorias aqui. Eu digo isso, mas continuo percebendo casos extremos que não lidei:( . Supõe que a entrada tenha operadores separados por espaços em branco e o negativo de um número não seja separado.


my&n=(*+1632+|0)[2..*]  # Define a helper function
           # This gets the unicode name, e.g ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT ZERO
           #                              or AEGEAN NUMBER ONE HUNDRED
           # And returns the 3rd word onwards in lowercase e.g. 'zero' or 'one hundred'
{S:g/\-(\d)/negative $0/}  # Turn dashes before numbers to negative
{S:g/[\s|^]0/ zero/}       # Handle zeros
{S:g/\.(\d)+/ point {$0>>.&n}/}  # Replace decimals
{~S:g/\d+/        # Replace series of numbers with
    n($//100+64184)x($/>100)  # The hundreds if the num is bigger than 100
    $/%100>19&&               # If the number is bigger than 19
      n($//10%10+64175),         # The tens number
      n($!=$/%10)x?$!            # And the singles number (if it's not zero)
    ||                        # Else
      n($/%100+7679)             # The name of the number below 20
    ,                      # Then
    [$,"thousand",|(<m b tr quadr>X~"illion")][   # Index into the list of postfixes
      +                         .comb(',')   # The number of commas
       $/.postmatch.words[0]  # in the rest of the number
  if +$/           # All if the number is not 0
.trans("+,-/*"=><<plus''minus"divided by"times>>)  # Translate operators
                                                   # And remove commas
.words}     # And remove all the excess spaces between words


Ruby + Swift 4, 283 279 270 bytes

$_=gsub(/(?<=\d)-/,"minus ").gsub(/[*-\/]/,?.=>"point ",?-=>"negative ",?+=>"plus ",?*=>"times ",?/=>"divided by ").gsub(/(?<=^|[^t] )\d+|\d/){`echo "import Foundation
var f=NumberFormatter()
f.numberStyle = .spellOut
swift .a`.tr'-
',' '}

Experimente online!

Devo estar louco de propor uma solução desse tipo Frankenstein, mas, por um lado, é muito tentador usar a funcionalidade interna do Swift para esta tarefa e, por outro lado, processar seqüências de caracteres com Regexes no Swift parece ser uma catástrofe no golfe.

Portanto, decidi fazer o processamento básico de strings no Ruby, mas para soletrar números, eu os armazeno em um arquivo de origem Swift, execute o Swift em um comando shell e colete a saída.

Acontece que o formatador de números "spellOut" do Swift faz quase exatamente o que precisamos, exceto inserindo hífens desnecessários para números de dois dígitos, como em twenty-two. De fato, mesmo a saída de ponto flutuante no formato de integer part point digit digit...é boa, mas aqui vem a ressalva - não há precisão infinita e, com números grandes o suficiente ou muitos dígitos decimais, os resultados dão errado. Portanto, tive que separar as partes inteiras e fracionárias e alimentar a fração dígito por dígito.

Isso é absolutamente diabólico e eu adoro isso.


sfk , 853 bytes

xed -i
"_*_ [part1]_"
"_/_divided by_"
"_- _minus _"
"_-_negative _"
"_,[keep][19 chars of 0-9,]_quadr@ _"
"_,[keep][15 chars of 0-9,]_tr@ _"
"_,[keep][11 chars of 0-9,]_b@ _"
"_,[keep][digits],[digits],_b@ _"
"_,[keep][digits],_m@ _"
"_,_ thousand _"
"_ 000[chars]@__"
"_ 000__"
"_ 00[keep][digit]_ _"
"_ 0[keep][2 digits]_ @_"
"_ [digit][keep][2 digits]_[part2]hundred @_"
"_ [ortext] 0[digit]0_ @[part2]_"
"_ [keep][2 digits]_ @_"
"_@_illion _"
"_0_ zero _"
"_1_ one _"
"_2_ two _"
"_3_ three _"
"_4_ four _"
"_5_ five _"
"_6_ six _"
"_7_ seven _"
"_8_ eight _"
"_9_ nine _"
"_._ point _"
"_[white]_ _"
"_[lstart] __"

Experimente online!

Requer que operadores e números sejam separados por pelo menos um caractere de espaço.


Limpo , 766 ... 687 bytes

import StdEnv,Text
@ =digitToInt
l k=(!!)k o@
^s=l[s:split" ""one two three four five six seven eight nine"]
g s=l[m,m,"twen","thir",s,"fif","six","seven","eigh","nine"]
~['0':t]= ~t
~[a,b,c]= ^""a+" hundred "+ ~[b,c]
~[b,c]|b>'1'=g"for"b+"ty "+ ^""c|c>'2'=g"four"c+"teen"=["ten","eleven","twelve"]!!(@c)
~[c]= ^""c
=trim(join" "((case x of'0'=[z];'-'=["negative",$h];'.'=["point":map(^z)h];_=(r[u+v\\u<-r(map~(split[',']h))&v<-[m," thousand":[" "+k+"illion"\\k<-["m","b","tr","quadr"]]]|u>m]))++[?t]))
?['-':t]="minus "+ $t
?['+':t]="plus "+ $t
?['/':t]="divided by "+ $t
?['*':t]="times "+ $t
?t= $t

Experimente online!

Espera uma string sem espaço em branco.


05AB1E , 315 295 282 276 bytes

"+-*/"DˆS¡εDõQi'¢…ë'.¡VYнD_i\'¡×ðë',¡DgUε0›i.•6b©•ð“†ìˆÈŒšï¿Ÿ¯¥Š“©'tKJ#'…§«…€µ‚•„í#®#«…—¿áÓÁÏ#«ìD9£©.•4º»Ÿć'Rþн•ŽH$S£“Œšï¿Ÿ¯¥Š“'tK#«„ty«sõšâðý«õšD®'°¡ðì«sâðý«yèð.•cG3₅¦„¥F•8ô'¾ß«…¡›‡È±°#«õªRXN-<èJëõ}}ðý}Yg<i®'¡×šYθSè'…®šðý}}J}s¯`Ã哉´Øè„ƺߓ#¤… by«¸s¨ì¯`ykè}.ιðý„  ð:„¢…Øè'¢…:

Recebe entrada sem espaços.

Experimente online ou verifique todos os casos de teste .


"+-*/"                    # Push string "+-*/"
Dˆ                        # Duplicate it, pop the copy, and push it to the global array
S¡                        # Split the input by any "+", "-", "*", or "/"
ε                         # Map each number to:
 DõQi                     #  If the item is empty (happens for negative numbers)
     '¢…                 '#   Push string "negative"
 ë                        #  Else:
  '.¡                    '#   Split by "."
  VY                      #   Store it in variable `Y`
  н                       #   Take the first number (the integer part)
  D                       #   Duplicate this integer part
  _i                      #   If the integer part is exactly 0:
    \                     #    Discard the duplicated integer part
    '¡×                  '#    Push string "zero"
    ð                     #    Push a space " "
  ë                       #   Else:
   ',¡                   '#    Split by ","
   DgU                    #    Pop and store the amount of items in variable `X`
      ε                   #    Map each part to:
       0i                #     If it's larger than 0:
          .•6b©•          #      Push string "thir"
          ð               #      Push a space " "
          “†ìˆÈŒšï¿Ÿ¯¥Š“  #      Push string "four five six seven eight nine"
          ©               #      Store it in the register (without popping)
           'tK           '#      Remove all "t" (so "eight" becomes "eigh")
          J               #      Join it together with the "thir" and space
          #               #      Split by spaces
          '…§            '#      Push string "teen"
             «            #      And append it to every string in the list
                          #      (We now have ["thirteen","fourteen","fifteen","sixteen","seventeen","eighteen","nineteen"])
          …€µ‚•„í         #      Push string "one two three"
                 #        #      Split by spaces
          ®               #      Push the string from the register ("four" through "nine")
           #«             #      Split by spaces, and merge both lists together
          …—¿áÓÁÏ         #      Push string "ten eleven twelve"
                 #«       #      Split by spaces, and also merge both lists together
          ì               #      Prepend "one" through "twelve" before "thirteen" through "nineteen"
          D9£             #      Duplicate it, and take the first nine ("one" through "nine")
             ©            #      Store it in the register (without popping)
          .•4º»Ÿć'Rþн•   '#      Push string "twenthirforfif"
          ŽH$             #      Push integer 4433
             S            #      Split to digits: [4,4,3,3]
              £           #      And split the to parts of that size: ["twen","thir","for","fif"]
          “Œšï¿Ÿ¯¥Š“      #      Push string "six seven eight nine"
                    'tK  '#      Remove all "t" (so "eight" becomes "eigh")
                       #« #      Split by spaces, and merge both lists together
          ty             #      Push string "ty"
             «            #      And append it to every string in the list
                          #      (We now have ["twenty","thirty","forty","fifty","sixty","seventy","eighty","ninety"])
          s               #      Swap so the list "one" through "nine" is at the top again
           õš             #      Prepend an empty string to that list
             â            #      Create every possible pair of "one" through "nine" with "twenty" through "ninety"
              ðý          #      Join each pair with a space delimiter
          «               #      Merge the "twenty" through "ninety nine" list with "one" through "nineteen"
           õš             #      Prepend an empty string to that list
          D               #      Duplicate the entire list
          ®               #      Push the string from the register ("one" through "nine")
          '°¡            '#      Push string "hundred"
             ðì           #      Prepend it with a space " "
               «          #      Append it to every string in the list
                          #      (We now have ["one hundred","two hundred",...,"nine hundred"])
          s               #      Swap the two lists
           â              #      Create every possible pair of "one hundred" through "nine hundred" with "" through "ninety nine"
            ðý            #      Join each pair with a space delimiter
              «           #      Merge the "one" through "ninety nine" with "one hundred " through "nine hundred ninety nine"
                          #      (We now have ["","one",...,"nine hundred ninety nine"])
          y               #      Get the current number of the map
           è              #      And index it into this list
          ð               #      Push a space " "
          .•cG3₅¦„¥F     #      Push string "quadrilltrill"
                     8ô   #      Split into pieces of size 8: ["quadrill","trill"]
          '¾ß            '#      Push string "ion"
             «            #      Append it to every string in the list
          …¡›‡È±°         #      Push string "billion million thousand"
                 #        #      Split by spaces
                  «       #      And merge both lists together
          õª              #      Append an empty string
            R             #      Reverse the list
                          #      (We now have ["","thousand","million","billion","trillion","quadrillion"])
          X               #      Push variable `X`
           N-             #      Subtract the map-index from it
             <            #      Subtract an additional 1
              è           #      And index it into the list
          J               #      Join the stack together
       ë                  #     Else:
        õ                 #      Push an empty string ""
       }                  #     Close the if-else
      }                   #    Close the map
      ðý                  #    Join the mapped values with space delimiter
  }                       #   Close the if-else
  Y                       #   Push variable `Y`
  g<i                     #   If its length is exactly 2:
     ®                    #    Push the string from the register ("one" through "nine")
     '¡×                 '#    Push "zero"
        š                 #    Prepend it to the list
      Yθ                  #    Push variable `Y` again, and leave the second number (the decimal part)
        S                 #    Split it to digits
         è                #    And index each into the list
      '…®                '#    Push string "point"
         š                #    Prepend it in front of that list
      ðý                  #    Join the list with space delimiter
  }                       #   Close the if
 }                        #  Close the if-else
 J                        #  Join the stack together
}                         # Close the map
s                         # Swap to take the (implicit) input again
¯`                        # Push the global array, and dump it's content (string "+-*/")
  Ã                       # Only keep all "+", "-", "*", and "/", and remove everything else
ε                         # Map each to:
 “‰´Øè„ƺߓ               #  Push string "plus minus times divided"
           #              #  Split by spaces
 ¤                        #  Take the last item (without popping the list)
   by«                   #  Append it with string " by"
       ¸                  #  Wrap it to a list: ["divided by"]
 s                        #  Swap to take the list again
  ¨                       #  Remove the last item
   ì                      #  Prepend it in front of the list: ["plus","minus","times","divided by"]
 ¯`                       # Push the global array, and dump it's content (string "+-*/")
   yk                     #  Push the index in this string for the current map-value `y`
     è                    #  And use that index to index into the string-list
}                         # Close the map
                        # Interweave the list of numbers and list of operators
  ðý                      # Join everything with space delimiter
  ð:                     # Replace every two spaces for a single space
„¢…Øè'¢…:                '# And replace every "negative minus" with "negative"
                          # (and output the result implicitly)

Veja este 05AB1E ponta do meu (seções ? Como usar o dicionário , ? Como cordas comprimir não parte do dicionário , e ? Como comprimir grandes inteiros ) para entender o porquê:

  • ( Como usar o dicionário? ) - '¢…é "negative";'¡×é "zero"; “†ìˆÈŒšï¿Ÿ¯¥Š“é "four five six seven eight nine"; '…§é "teen"; …€µ‚•„íé "one two three"; …—¿áÓÁÏé "ten eleven twelve"; '°¡é "hundred"; '¾ßé "ion"; …¡›‡È±°é "billion million thousand"; '…®é "point"; e “‰´Øè„ƺߓé "plus minus times divided".
  • ( Como comprimir seqüências de caracteres que não fazem parte do dicionário? ) - .•6b©•is "thir"; .•4º»Ÿć'Rþн•é "twenthirforfif"; e .•cG3₅¦„¥F•é "quadrilltrill".
  • ( Como comprimir números inteiros grandes? ) - ŽH$é 4433.


Python 2 , 790 774 bytes

lambda T:B("([+/*-])",lambda m:dict(zip("+/*-",S("z"," plus z divided by z times z minus ")))[],B("([+/*-]|^)-",r"\1negative ",B("[^+/*-]+","{}",T))).format(*[J([g[int(S("\.",j)[0])]+S("z",B("y","illion","z thousandz myz byz tryz quadry"))[len(S(",",m))+~i]+(" point "+J(s[int(c)]for c in S("\.",j)[-1]))*("."in j)for i,j in E(S(",",m))if 0<float(j)+(m<"1")])for m in S("[+/*-]+",T)[T[0]=='-':]])
from re import*
E,S,B,P=enumerate,split,sub," ";J=P.join
s,e=S(P,"zero one two three four five six seven eight nine"),[B("urty","rty",j)for i,j in E(c+d for d in S(P,"teen ty")for c in S(P,"twen thir four fif six seven eigh nine"))]
g=s+S(P,"ten eleven twelve")+e[1:8]+[a+(P+b)*(i>0)for a in e[8:]for i,b in E(s)]
g=[(j+" hundred ")*(i>0)+k for i,j in E(s)for k in g]

Experimente online!

Tantas más práticas. Isso quase doeu escrever ....

Espera uma string não unicode sem espaço em branco como entrada.


# import all functions from re (python regex library)
from re import*

# rename some repeatedly-used functions/variables for reduced bytecount
E,S,B,P=enumerate,split,sub," ";J=P.join

# list the names of 0-9
s=S(P,"zero one two three four five six seven eight nine")
# generate "twenteen" through nineteen and twenty though ninety, changing "fourty" to forty
# using enumerate (E) even though i is not required b/c it's shorter than range(len(x))
# using re.split (S) instead of string.split since it's shorter
e=[B("urty","rty",j)for i,j in E(c+d for d in S(P,"teen ty")for c in S(P,"twen thir four fif six seven eigh nine"))]
# generate 0-999
# 0-9
   # 10, 11, 12
   +S(P,"ten eleven twelve")+
                            # remove "twenteen", 13-19
                                   # tens' place + ones' place, if ones' place is not zero
                                   +[a+(P+b)*(i>0)                               ]
                                                   # for each tens' place in 20-90
                                                   for a in e[8:]
                                                                  # for each index, value in ones' places 0-9
                                                                  for i,b in E(s)

# hundreds' place if at least 100, plus tens' and ones' place (already calculated and stored in g from before)
g=[(j+" hundred ")*(i>0)+k                          ]
                           # (s) stores names for 0-9, need index to avoid "zero hundred"
                           for i,j in E(s)
                                          # for each hundred, iterate over all values (0-99) already in g
                                          for k in g

# actual function to call. uses previously declared global variable g.
def f(T):
    # gets the numbers in the supplied string (T) by splitting (T) on any operator character
    # remove first item if blank (only happens when staring with a - for negative numbers)

    # triply-nested set of re.subs to convert (T) to a sting of where the operators are replaced by their names and numbers are replaced by "{}"
    # EX: "-1-1--1" -> "-{}-{}--{}" -> "negative {}-{}-negative {}" -> "negative {} minus {} minus negative {}"
    # this sub happens last
    # re.sub (B) any operator, with the operators in a group "()" so that they return in
    T=B("([+/*-])",                                                                                                                                        )
                  # an anonymous function to accept match objects (m) from re.sub's search.
                  ,lambda m:
                            # create a dictionary from the combination of operators and their names
                            # like {"+":" plus ",...}
                            # operator names are surrounded by spaces since number names are NOT
                            dict(zip("+/*-",S("z"," plus z divided by z times z minus ")))
                                                                                          # from the constructed dictionary, select the operator matched by re.sub's search and return it for replacement
                                                                                                      # this substitution is second
                                                                                                      # re.sub (B) any operator followed by a minus (-), OR a minus at the beginning of the string
                                                                                                      # operators/start are grouped, trailing minus is not
                                                                                                      ,B("([+/*-]|^)-",                                    )
                                                                                                                      # replace match with the grouped items plus the word "negative"
                                                                                                                      # EX: "-1-1--1" -> "-{}-{}--{}" -> "negative {}-{}-negative {}"
                                                                                                                      ,r"\1negative ",
                                                                                                                                     # this substitution is done first
                                                                                                                                     # replace any sequence of NON-operators with "{}"
                                                                                                                                     # this removes numbers so the names can be inserted later
                                                                                                                                     # EX: "-1-1--1" -> "-{}-{}--{}"

    # technically the previous construction of (T) and (n) can be placed here to save 5 bytes but my poor eyes can't handle that.
    # insert constructed names back into original string.
    # EX: "-1-1--1" -> "negative {} minus {} minus negative {}" -> "negative one minus one minus negative one"
    print T.format(                                                                                                                                                                                                                     )
                   # string.format needs items in array unpacked, or it will attempt to insert the string representation of the array itself
                   *[                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ]
                     # for each number pulled from (T), generate names and join generated items back together with spaces
                     # EX: "1,456" -> ["1", "456"] -> ["one thousand", "four hundred fifty six"] -> "one thousand four hundred fifty six"
                     J(                                                                                                                                                                                                     )for m in n
                       # split j on periods (.) and take the first item
                       # convert that item into an integer and find the item at that index in g (0-999)
                       [g[int(S("\.",j)[0])]+                                                                                                                                                                              ]
                                            # insert prefix for millions +, split string on "z" (spaces must be preserved for proper separation)
                                            +S("z",B("y","illion","z thousandz myz byz tryz quadry"))
                                                                                                     # left is largest, so take the item at index (total # of groups - current place - 1)
                                                                                                                       # if group had a period, split string on period and take last item
                                                                                                                       # replace every character in group with number 0-9 name
                                                                                                                       # join them with spaces and add back to rest of group
                                                                                                                       +(" point "+J(s[int(c)]for c in S("\.",j)[-1]))*("."in j)
                                                                                                                                                                                # split number into groups by comma
                                                                                                                                                                                # EX: "123,456" -> ["123","456"]
                                                                                                                                                                                # only return item if j != 0 (avoids returning empty string which will result in too many joined spaces)
                                                                                                                                                                                # OR if m == 0 (avoids not returning anything when should return "zero")
                                                                                                                                                                                for i,j in E(S(",",m))if 0

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