JavaScript (ES6), 172 bytes
Sugestão de versão mais lenta, porém mais curta, sugerida por @JonathanAllan (também economizando 4 bytes na resposta original):
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Resposta original, 209 183 178 174 bytes
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Função auxiliar
S = (n, c) => // n = integer, c = callback function
n >= 0 ? // if n is greater than or equal to 0:
c(n) || // invoke c with n; stop if it's truthy
S(n - 1, c) // or go on with n - 1 if it's falsy
: // else:
0 // stop recursion and return 0
Função principal
(X,Y)Wl[ ]
f = ( n, // n = input
A ) => // A = candidate area (initially undefined)
S(A, w => // for w = A to w = 0:
A % w ? // if w is not a divisor of A:
0 // do nothing
: ( // else:
F = (l, n) => // F = recursive function taking a list l[] and a size n
n ? // if n is not equal to 0:
S(w - n, x => // for x = w - n to x = 0
S(A / w - n, y => // for y = A / w - n to y = 0:
l.some( // for each square in l[]
([X, Y, W]) => // located at (X, Y) and of width W:
X < x + n & // test whether this square is overlapping
X + W > x & // with the new square of width n that we're
Y < y + n & // trying to insert at (x, y)
Y + W > y //
) ? // if some existing square does overlap:
0 // abort
: // else:
F([ ...l, // recursive call to F:
[x, y, n] // append the new square to l[]
], //
n - 1 // and decrement n
) // end of recursive call
) // end of iteration over y
) // end of iteration over x
: // else (n = 0):
1 // success: stop recursion and return 1
)([], n) // initial call to F with an empty list of squares
) ? // end of iteration over w; if it was successful:
A // return A
: // else:
f(n, -~A) // try again with A + 1
e movendo o teste paraa%w<1
a cauda do TIO de recursão . Claro que é muito mais lento. (* pelo menos - não sou especialista em JavaScript!)