Para distinguir esses bloqueios não críticos e de "auto-resolução por derramamento" dos bloqueios mais importantes, algumas semânticas de pesquisa podem ser aplicadas à estrutura Xdl.

O SP a seguir não funcionará imediatamente, pois depende de ufn_ExtractSubstringsByPattern (), no entanto, esse método pode ser substituído por algo que retorna a contagem distinta diretamente.
ALTER view [Common].[DeadLockRecentHistoryView]
Purpose: List history of recent deadlock events
Warning: The XML processing may hit a recursion limit (100), suggest using "option (maxrecursion 10000)".
Xdl File:
The SSMS deadlock file format .XDL format (xml) has changed with later versions of SQL Server. This version tested with 2012.
Ring Buffer issues:
Modified By Description
---------- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2014.10.29 crokusek From Internet,
2015.05.05 crokusek Improve so that the output is consumable by SSMS 2012 as "Open .xdl file"
2015.05.22 crokusek Remove special character for the cast to Xml (like '&')
2017.08.03 crokusek Abandon ring-buffer approach and use event log files. Filter out internal deadlocks.
2018.07.16 crokusek Added field(s) like ProbablyHandledBySpill to help identify non-critical deadlocks.
with XmlDeadlockReports as
select convert(xml, event_data) as EventData
from sys.fn_xe_file_target_read_file(N'system_health*.xel', NULL, NULL, NULL)
where substring(event_data, 1, 50) like '%"xml_deadlock_report"%'
select top 10000
EventData.value('(event/@timestamp)[1]', 'datetime2(7)') as CreatedUtc,
--(select TimePst from Common.ufn_ConvertUtcToPst(EventData.value('(event/@timestamp)[1]', 'datetime2(7)'))) as CreatedPst,
-- If the deadlock contains Exchange Events and lists no victims, it probably occurred
-- during execution of a single query that contained parallellism but got stuck due to
-- ordering issues. /dba/197779
-- These will not raise an exception to the caller and will complete by spilling to tempdb
-- however they may run much slower than they would without the spill(s).
convert(bit, iif(DistinctSpidCount = 1 and HasExchangeEvent = 1 and IsVictimless = 1, 1, 0)) as ProbablyHandledBySpill,
len(et.XdlFileText) as LenXdlFile,
eddl.XdlFile as XdlFile
from XmlDeadlockReports
cross apply
select eventData.query('event/data/value/deadlock') as XdlFile
) eddl
cross apply
select convert(nvarchar(max), eddl.XdlFile) as XdlFileText
) as et
cross apply
select count(distinct Match) as DistinctSpidCount
from common.ufn_ExtractSubstringsByPattern(et.XdlFileText, 'spid="%%"')
) spids
cross apply
select convert(bit, iif(charindex('<exchangeEvent', et.XdlFileText) > 0, 1, 0)) as HasExchangeEvent,
convert(bit, iif( charindex('<victim-list>', et.XdlFileText) = 0
and charindex('<victim-list/>', et.XdlFileText) > 0, 1, 0)) as IsVictimless
) as flags
order by CreatedUtc desc