Eu tenho os seguintes dados de amostra para permutações e combinação.
create table tbltest
name varchar(50),
addres varchar(100)
insert into tbltest values('Sam Mak John','Street 1 HNo 101 USA');
insert into tbltest values('Donatella Nobatti','HNo 101 UK');
insert into tbltest values('Sam Buca','Main Road B Block UAE');
insert into tbltest values('Juan Soponatime','Hight Street CA');
insert into tbltest values('Aaron Spacemuseum','HNo A10 100 feet Road A Block ');
Eu quero gerar permutações e combinações para a name
coluna no table tbltest
e armazenar temp table
Para um exemplo de resultado esperado:
John Mak Sam
John Sam Mak
Mak John Sam
Mak Sam John
Sam John Mak
Sam Mak John
Tentei com a seguinte consulta: Origem
Nota: A consulta a seguir funciona como esperado para um único registro, mas quando tentei na tabela usando o cursor, sua execução é superior a 35 min e ainda continua em execução.
DECLARE @inputStr VARCHAR(MAX)= 'Sam Mak John';
DECLARE @Count INT, @Loop INT= 1, @totalSum INT;
DECLARE @Query1 VARCHAR(1000), @Query2 VARCHAR(1000), @Query3 VARCHAR(1000), @Query4 VARCHAR(1000), @Query5 VARCHAR(1000), @Query6 VARCHAR(1000), @Query VARCHAR(4000), @Combination VARCHAR(1000);
--Temporary table to capture all the words separately
CREATE TABLE #tmpvalues
(intIndex INT IDENTITY(1, 1),
intProc INT,
subStr VARCHAR(100)
--Temporary table to store all the possible combinations
CREATE TABLE #tmpCombinations
(subCombStr VARCHAR(1000)
--get the sub-strings(words) from input statement into a temp table
WHILE LEN(@inputStr) > 0
SET @ValueStr = LEFT(@inputStr, ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(' ', @inputStr) - 1, -1), LEN(@inputStr)));
SET @inputStr = SUBSTRING(@inputStr, ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(' ', @inputStr), 0), LEN(@inputStr)) + 1, LEN(@inputStr));
INSERT INTO #tmpvalues
SET @Loop = @Loop + 1;
FROM #tmpvalues;
SET @Loop = 1;
--Set an integer values for each words
--This will be used to filter the combinations in which any two words are repating
DECLARE @tempIntAdd INT;--Addition factor
SET @tempIntAdd = @Loop * @Count;
WHILE @Loop <= (@Count - 1)
DECLARE @tempIntProc INT;
SELECT @tempIntProc = intProc
FROM #tmpvalues
WHERE intIndex = @Loop;
UPDATE #tmpvalues
intProc = @tempIntProc + @tempIntAdd
WHERE intIndex = @Loop + 1;
SET @Loop = @Loop + 1;
SET @tempIntAdd = @tempIntAdd * 2;
SET @Loop = 1;
SET @Query1 = 'INSERT INTO #tmpCombinations SELECT DISTINCT ';
SET @Query3 = ' ';
SET @Query4 = ' WHERE';
SET @Query5 = '(';
SET @Query6 = ')';
-- Generate the dynamic query to get permutations and combination of individual words
WHILE @Loop <= @Count
SELECT @ValueStr = subStr
FROM #tmpvalues
WHERE intIndex = @Loop;
SET @Query1 = @Query1 + 'T' + CAST(@Loop AS VARCHAR) + '.subStr ';
IF(@Loop < @Count)
SET @Query1 = @Query1 + '+ '' '' + ';
SET @Query3 = @Query3 + '#tmpvalues ' + 'T' + CAST(@Loop AS VARCHAR);
IF(@Loop < @Count)
SET @Query3 = @Query3 + ', ';
SET @Query5 = @Query5 + 'T' + CAST(@Loop AS VARCHAR) + '.intProc';
IF(@Loop < @Count)
SET @Query5 = @Query5 + ' + ';
SET @Loop = @Loop + 1;
SELECT @totalSum = SUM(intProc)
FROM #tmpvalues;
--Create final query
SET @Query = @Query1 + @Query2 + @Query3 + @Query4 + @Query5 + @Query6 + ' =' + CAST(@totalSum AS VARCHAR);
--Execute the dynamic Query
EXECUTE (@Query);
SELECT subCombStr from #tmpCombinations