Como obter a estatística da frequência de palavras em um buffer


Para linguistas e muitos outros cientistas, analisar a frequência das palavras que aparecem em um texto é uma ótima ferramenta. Alguns editores de texto comerciais e alguns sites fornecem essa ferramenta.

A análise da frequência das palavras, classifique as palavras em ordem decrescente em relação à sua frequência. Por exemplo neste texto

Emacs Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for those using, extending, or developing the emacs text editor. It's built and run by you as part of the Stack Exchange network of Q&A sites. With your help, we're working together to build a library of detailed answers to every question about emacs.


56 words
9: punctuation marks

3: ,
3: .
3: a
3: emacs
3: of
2: '
2: and
2: exchange
2: question
2: stack
2: the
2: to
1: &
1: about
1: answer
1: answers
1: as
1: build
1: built
1: by
1: detailed
1: developing
1: editor
1: every
1: extending
1: for
1: help
1: is
1: it
1: library
1: network
1: or
1: part
1: q
1: re
1: run
1: s
1: site
1: sites
1: text
1: those
1: together
1: using
1: we
1: with
1: working
1: you
1: your

Gostaria de saber se já existe um pacote que possa ser usado para fornecer essas estatísticas.

PS: Eu já fiz perguntas diferentes no mesmo espírito e uma excelente resposta foi fornecida (eu gostaria de votar mais, se puder).

Não seria preferível dar um passo adiante e construir um índice inverso? (É fácil avaliar uma frequência de palavras com um índice inverso, mas você pode usá-lo para encontrar outras coisas interessantes, como se duas palavras aparecem juntas no documento). Eu tenho jogado com o Sphinx recentemente, então, talvez conectá-lo ao Emacs forneça mais opções de pesquisa?

@wvxvw sim, seria uma ótima idéia. Não tenho experiência com o Sphinx, mas se você souber usá-lo com o emacs, ficaria feliz em aprender sobre isso.



O formato da saída (tabela de modo organizacional) é inspirado no link da sua pergunta.

(require 'cl-lib)

(defvar punctuation-marks '(","
  "List of Punctuation Marks that you want to count.")

(defun count-raw-word-list (raw-word-list)
  (cl-loop with result = nil
           for elt in raw-word-list
           do (cl-incf (cdr (or (assoc elt result)
                             (first (push (cons elt 0) result)))))
           finally return (sort result
                                (lambda (a b) (string< (car a) (car b))))))

(defun word-stats ()
  (let* ((words (split-string
                 (downcase (buffer-string))
                 (format "[ %s\f\t\n\r\v]+"
                         (mapconcat #'identity punctuation-marks ""))
         (punctuation-marks (cl-remove-if-not
                             (lambda (elt) (member elt punctuation-marks))
                             (split-string (buffer-string) "" t )))
         (raw-word-list (append punctuation-marks words))
         (word-list (count-raw-word-list raw-word-list)))
    (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*word-statistics*")
      (insert "| word | occurences |

      (dolist (elt word-list)
        (insert (format "| '%s' | %d |\n" (car elt) (cdr elt))))

      (indent-region (point-min) (point-max))
      (goto-char 100)
      (goto-char 79)
      (org-table-sort-lines nil ?N)))
  (pop-to-buffer "*word-statistics*"))

Existem três formas, não apenas word-stats: você precisa avaliar todas elas.

Não faço ideia por que não funciona para você. Como você pode ver, punctuation-marksjá definido na primeira forma.

Confirmo que funciona agora. Pode acontecer que eu não tenha copiado o primeiro parágrafo.

Em um ambiente emacs minimalista (v24.5), tive que adicionar (require 'cl)para usar o incrcomando.

@ Chadwick Atualizei a resposta para usar em cl-incfvez de incfe exigir cl-libexplicitamente.
precisa saber é o seguinte


Avalie o código a seguir e digite Mx word-frequency em um buffer com o texto. Você receberá um buffer com o número de ocorrência de palavras e o valor percentual.

(defvar word-frequency-table (make-hash-table :test 'equal :size 128))

(defvar word-frequency-buffer "*frequencies*"
  "Buffer where frequencies are displayed.")

(defun word-frequency-incr (word)
  (puthash word (1+ (gethash word word-frequency-table 0)) word-frequency-table))

(defun word-frequency-list (&optional reverse limit)
  "Returns a cons which car is sum of times any word was used
and cdr is a list of (word . count) pairs.  If REVERSE is nil
sorts it starting from the most used word; if it is 'no-sort
the list is not sorted; if it is non-nil and not 'no-sort sorts
it from the least used words.  If LIMIT is positive number
only words which were used more then LIMIT times will be
added.  If it is negative number only words which were used
less then -LIMIT times will be added."
  (let (l (sum 0))
      ((or (not (numberp limit)) (= limit 0))
       (lambda (k v) (setq l (cons (cons k v) l) sum (+ sum v))))
      ((= limit -1) (lambda (k v) (setq sum (+ sum v))))
      ((< limit 0)
       (setq limit (- limit))
       (lambda (k v) (setq sum (+ sum v))
         (if (< v limit) (setq l (cons (cons k v) l)))))
       (lambda (k v) (setq sum (+ sum v))
         (if (> v limit) (setq l (cons (cons k v) l))))))
    (cons sum
           ((equal reverse 'no-sort) l)
           (reverse (sort l (lambda (a b) (< (cdr a) (cdr b)))))
           (t       (sort l (lambda (a b) (> (cdr a) (cdr b)))))))))

(defun word-frequency-string (&optional reverse limit func)
  "Returns formatted string with word usage statistics.

If FUNC is nil each line contains number of times word was
called and the word; if it is t percentage usage is added in
the middle; if it is 'raw each line will contain number an
word separated by single line (with no formatting) otherwise
FUNC must be a function returning a string which will be called
for each entry with three arguments: number of times word was
called, percentage usage and the word.

See `word-frequency-list' for description of REVERSE and LIMIT
  (let* ((list (word-frequency-list reverse)) (sum (car list)))
      ((not func) (lambda (e) (format "%7d  %s\n" (cdr e) (car e))))
      ((equal func t)
       (lambda (e) (format "%7d  %6.2f%%  %03d %s\n"
                           (cdr e) 
               (/ (* 1e2 (cdr e)) sum) 
               (length (car e))
               (car e))))
      ((equal func 'raw) (lambda (e) (format "%d %s\n" (cdr e) (car e))))
      (t (lambda (e) (funcall func (cdr e) (/ (* 1e2 (cdr e)) sum) (car e)))))
     (cdr list) "")))

(defun word-frequency (&optional where reverse limit func)
  "Formats word usage statistics using
`word-frequency-string' function (see for description of
REVERSE, LIMIT and FUNC arguments) and:
- if WHERE is nil inserts it in th e
  or displays it in echo area if possible; else
- if WHERE is t inserts it in the current buffer; else
- if WHERE is an empty string inserts it into
  `word-frequency-buffer' buffer; else
- inserts it into buffer WHERE.

When called interactively behaves as if WHERE and LIMIT were nil,
FUNC was t and:
- with no prefix argument - REVERSE was nil;
- with universal or positive prefix arument - REVERSE was t;
- with negative prefix argument - REVERSE was 'no-sort."

  (interactive (list nil
                      ((not current-prefix-arg) nil)
                      ((> (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg) 0))
                      (t 'no-sort))
                     nil t))
  (clrhash word-frequency-table)
   ((not where)
    (display-message-or-buffer (word-frequency-string reverse limit func)
   ((equal where t)
    (insert (word-frequency-string reverse limit func)))
     (if (and (stringp where) (string= where ""))
         word-frequency-buffer where)
     (word-frequency-string reverse limit func)))))

(defun word-frequency-process-buffer ()
  (let ((buffer (current-buffer))
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (while (re-search-forward "\\<[[:word:]]+\\>" nil t)
;;    (while (forward-word 1)
        (word-frequency-incr (downcase (match-string 0)))
;;      (setq bounds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'word))
;;      (setq beg (car bounds))
;;      (setq end (cdr bounds))
;;      (setq word (downcase (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)))
;;      (word-frequency-incr word)

Concordo que seu código funcione bem. É possível modificá-lo, para que também conte sinais de pontuação?
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