Como executar programaticamente um comando no eshell?


Desejo executar comandos simples eshellsem digitá-los explicitamente no prompt, usando algo como with-current-bufferComo posso fazer isso?

Você pode expandir sua pergunta? Não está muito claro o que você está perguntando.

Você está interessado em usar comint-send-stringe depois comint-send-inputque a string anterior foi enviada?

eshellnão usa comint, isso complica um pouco.
precisa saber é



Meu palpite inicial estava procurando por um comando oficial que já faz isso, então descobri eshell-command. No entanto, isso gera um buffer separado, portanto não é uma opção.

Aqui está um exemplo com lse um *eshell*buffer:

(with-current-buffer "*eshell*"
  (insert "ls")

caisah mencionado with-current-bufferna pergunta, então não é eshell-command exatamente o que é desejado? (apesar de reler, vejo que não está claro qual buffer deve estar atual).

Presumo que o contexto seja um eshellbuffer já existente, onde já é possível inserir comandos para executá-los. No entanto, não há nenhuma primitiva para executar coisas nesse buffer de forma programática, como se alguém a escrevesse, eshell-commandse comporta um pouco diferente, pois sua saída não pode ser obtida usando normalmente eshell.


A seguinte solução proposta visa permitir que os usuários enviem entradas programaticamente sob o eshellcapô, em vez de inserir o comando no eshellbuffer após o prompt de comando. O @lawlist enviou uma solicitação de recurso para a equipe de desenvolvimento do Emacs considerar:

USO DA AMOSTRA : (eshell-send-input nil nil nil "ls -la /")

(require 'eshell)

(defun eshell-send-input (&optional use-region queue-p no-newline input-string-a)
  "Send the input received to Eshell for parsing and processing.
After `eshell-last-output-end', sends all text from that marker to
point as input.  Before that marker, calls `eshell-get-old-input' to
retrieve old input, copies it to the end of the buffer, and sends it.
-  If USE-REGION is non-nil, the current region (between point and mark)
will be used as input.
-  If QUEUE-P is non-nil, input will be queued until the next prompt,
rather than sent to the currently active process.  If no process, the
input is processed immediately.
-  If NO-NEWLINE is non-nil, the input is sent without an implied final
  (interactive "P")
  ;; Note that the input string does not include its terminal newline.
  (let ((proc-running-p
          (and (eshell-interactive-process)
               (not queue-p)))
        (inhibit-point-motion-hooks t)
    (unless (and proc-running-p
                 (not (eq (process-status (eshell-interactive-process)) 'run)))
      (if (or proc-running-p
              (>= (point) eshell-last-output-end))
        (goto-char (point-max))
        ;; This is for a situation when point is before `point-max'.
        (let ((copy (or input-string-a (eshell-get-old-input use-region))))
          (goto-char eshell-last-output-end)
          (insert-and-inherit copy)))
      (unless (or no-newline
                  (and eshell-send-direct-to-subprocesses
        (insert-before-markers-and-inherit ?\n))
      (if proc-running-p
          (eshell-update-markers eshell-last-output-end)
          (if (or eshell-send-direct-to-subprocesses
                  (= eshell-last-input-start eshell-last-input-end))
            (unless no-newline
              (process-send-string (eshell-interactive-process) "\n"))
                (process-send-region (eshell-interactive-process)
        (if (and (null input-string-a) (= eshell-last-output-end (point)))
          ;; This next line is for a situation when nothing is there --
          ;; i.e., just make a new command prompt.
          (run-hooks 'eshell-post-command-hook)
          (let (input)
            (eshell-condition-case err
                (setq input (or input-string-a
                                   eshell-last-output-end (1- (point)))))
                (run-hook-with-args 'eshell-expand-input-functions
                        eshell-last-output-end (1- (point)))
                (let ((cmd (eshell-parse-command-input
                             eshell-last-output-end (1- (point)) nil input-string-a)))
                  (when cmd
                    (eshell-update-markers eshell-last-output-end)
                    (setq input (buffer-substring-no-properties
                                  (1- eshell-last-input-end)))
                    (run-hooks 'eshell-input-filter-functions)
                    (and (catch 'eshell-terminal
                             (if (eshell-invoke-directly cmd)
                               (eval cmd)
                               (eshell-eval-command cmd input))))
                    (eshell-reset t)
                    (run-hooks 'eshell-post-command-hook)
                    (signal 'quit nil))
                    (eshell-reset t)
                      (concat (error-message-string err) "\n"))
                    (run-hooks 'eshell-post-command-hook)
                    (insert-and-inherit input)))))))))

(defun eshell-parse-command-input (beg end &optional args input-string-b)
  "Parse the command input from BEG to END.
The difference is that `eshell-parse-command' expects a complete
command string (and will error if it doesn't get one), whereas this
function will inform the caller whether more input is required.
-  If nil is returned, more input is necessary (probably because a
multi-line input string wasn't terminated properly).  Otherwise, it
will return the parsed command."
  (let (delim command)
    (if (setq delim (catch 'eshell-incomplete
                        (setq command
                                (cons beg end) args t input-string-b)))))
        (message "Expecting completion of delimiter %c ..."
          (if (listp delim)
              (car delim)

(defun eshell-parse-command (command &optional args toplevel input-string-c)
  "Parse the COMMAND, adding ARGS if given.
COMMAND can either be a string, or a cons cell demarcating a buffer
region.  TOPLEVEL, if non-nil, means that the outermost command (the
user's input command) is being parsed, and that pre and post command
hooks should be run before and after the command."
  (let* (
        (if input-string-c
          (eshell-parse-arguments--temp-buffer input-string-c)
            (if (consp command)
              (eshell-parse-arguments (car command) (cdr command))
              (let ((here (point))
                    (inhibit-point-motion-hooks t))
                  ;; FIXME: Why not use a temporary buffer and avoid this
                  ;; "insert&delete" business?  --Stef
                  (insert command)
                      (eshell-parse-arguments here (point))
                    (delete-region here (point))))))
            (lambda (cmd)
              (setq cmd (if (or (not (car eshell--sep-terms))
                                (string= (car eshell--sep-terms) ";"))
                          (eshell-parse-pipeline cmd)
                              (list ,(eshell-parse-pipeline cmd)))))
              (setq eshell--sep-terms (cdr eshell--sep-terms))
              (if eshell-in-pipeline-p
                `(eshell-trap-errors ,cmd))))
          (eshell-separate-commands terms "[&;]" nil 'eshell--sep-terms))) )
    (let ((cmd commands))
      (while cmd
        (if (cdr cmd)
            (setcar cmd `(eshell-commands ,(car cmd))))
        (setq cmd (cdr cmd))))
    (if toplevel
      `(eshell-commands (progn
                                (run-hooks 'eshell-pre-command-hook)
                                (catch 'top-level (progn ,@commands))
                                (run-hooks 'eshell-post-command-hook)))
      (macroexp-progn commands))))

(defun eshell-parse-arguments--temp-buffer (input-string-d)
  "Parse all of the arguments at point from BEG to END.
Returns the list of arguments in their raw form.
Point is left at the end of the arguments."
    (insert input-string-d)
    (let ((inhibit-point-motion-hooks t)
          (args (list t))
        (remove-text-properties (point-min) (point-max)
                                '(arg-begin nil arg-end nil))
        (goto-char (point-min))
        (if (setq
             (catch 'eshell-incomplete
               (while (not (eobp))
                 (let* ((here (point))
                        (arg (eshell-parse-argument)))
                   (if (= (point) here)
                       (error "Failed to parse argument '%s'"
                              (buffer-substring here (point-max))))
                   (and arg (nconc args (list arg)))))))
            (throw 'eshell-incomplete (if (listp delim)
                                        (list delim (point) (cdr args)))))
        (cdr args)))))


Eu escrevi essa função para ela,

(defun run-this-in-eshell (cmd)
  "Runs the command 'cmd' in eshell."
  (with-current-buffer "*eshell*"
    (insert cmd)

Primeiro, ele mata a entrada já presente, executa cmde depois puxa a entrada que estava presente de volta.

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