Como o script vinculado no final do código de Aaron pode ser usado apenas para buffers quadrados e não utiliza o módulo arcpy.da mais recente, escrevi um script que pode ser usado para criar buffers retangulares. Em um conjunto de dados de 10k de pontos aleatórios, ele foi concluído em 10 segundos:
import os, arcpy
point_FC = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
w = float(arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1))
h = float(arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2))
output_FC = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3)
def rect(coord, w, h):
#Given XY coordinates and rectangle dimensions,
#return a polygon object of a rectangle centered about the point
x,y = coord
w *= 0.5
h *= 0.5
xmin,xmax = x-w, x+w
ymin,ymax = y-h, y+h
poly = ((xmin, ymax), (xmax, ymax), (xmax, ymin), (xmin, ymin))
return arcpy.Polygon(arcpy.Array(arcpy.Point(*p) for p in poly))
#Create output feature class.
spatref = arcpy.Describe(point_FC).spatialReference
folder, base = os.path.split(output_FC)
arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(folder, base, "POLYGON", spatial_reference=spatref)
#Get field object for every field in input except OID and Shape.
fields = [f for f in arcpy.ListFields(point_FC) if f.type not in ("OID", "Geometry")]
for field in fields:
arcpy.AddField_management(output_FC,, field.type, field.precision,
field.scale, field.length, field.aliasName,
field.isNullable, field.required, field.domain)
#Get field names to be inputted to cursors.
#Need SHAPE@XY token to read point coords and SHAPE@ token to write polygon coords.
fnames = [ for f in fields]
fields_in = fnames[::]
fields_out = fnames[::]
#Create buffers and write attributes to output FC, if any.
count = int(arcpy.GetCount_management(point_FC)[0])
arcpy.SetProgressor("step", "Buffering...", 0, count, 1)
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(point_FC, fields_in) as Scursor, arcpy.da.InsertCursor(output_FC, fields_out) as Icursor:
for i,row_in in enumerate(Scursor):
#"Convert" point to rectangle
feature = list(row_in)
feature[-1] = rect(feature[-1], w, h)