O que está causando “Incompatibilidade de entidades no documento” ao executar migrate: delta


Atualizei com sucesso um banco de dados magento 1.4.1 para 1.4.2 e 1.6.0. Também consegui migrar com êxito : configurando e migrar: dados do banco de dados 1.6.0 para o meu banco de dados Magento 2.1.2. (As coisas estavam ótimas! ...)

Desde então, tenho trabalhado no site 2.1.2; adicionar um novo tema, alterar algumas configurações e editar blocos de cms. Fiz tudo isso com a suposição de que eu poderia executar uma migração: delta e trazer novos dados de clientes e pedidos, pois isso é tudo o que eu realmente precisaria para lançar o novo site. (Eu não criei novos pedidos ou clientes no banco de dados 2.1.2)

Na minha tentativa de migrar: delta (depois de executar o processo de atualização 1.4.1 -> 1.6.0 novamente para obter dados atuais ao vivo), encontrei um erro de perder as tabelas deltalog (com o prefixo m2cl *). Puxei essas tabelas, que estavam todas vazias , do primeiro banco de dados que eu migrei. Isso me permitiu executar uma migração: delta com os seguintes avisos:

2017-01-25 23:32:29][INFO][mode: delta][stage: delta delivering][step: Customer Attributes Step]: started
[2017-01-25 23:32:30][INFO][mode: delta][stage: volume check][step: Customer Attributes Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2017-01-25 23:32:30][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: customer_entity
[2017-01-25 23:32:30][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: customer_address_entity
[2017-01-25 23:32:30][WARNING]: Volume Check failed
[2017-01-25 23:32:30][INFO][mode: delta][stage: delta delivering][step: Map Step]: started
[2017-01-25 23:32:30][INFO][mode: delta][stage: volume check][step: Map Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_category_entity
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_category_entity_int
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_category_entity_text
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_category_entity_varchar
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_category_product
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_compare_item
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_entity
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_entity_datetime
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_entity_decimal
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_entity_int
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_entity_media_gallery
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_entity_text
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_entity_varchar
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_option
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_option_price
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_option_title
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_option_type_price
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_option_type_title
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_option_type_value
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_website
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: cataloginventory_stock_item
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalogrule
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: search_query
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: cms_block
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: cms_block_store
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: salesrule_coupon_aggregated
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: customer_eav_attribute_website
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: newsletter_subscriber
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: report_compared_product_index
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: report_event
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: report_viewed_product_index
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_bestsellers_aggregated_daily
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_bestsellers_aggregated_monthly
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_bestsellers_aggregated_yearly
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_invoice
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_invoice_item
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_order
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_order_address
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_order_item
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_order_payment
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_order_status_history
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: quote
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: quote_address
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: quote_address_item
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: quote_item
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: quote_item_option
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: quote_payment
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: quote_shipping_rate
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_shipment
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_shipment_item
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_shipment_track
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_invoiced_aggregated
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_invoiced_aggregated_order
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_order_aggregated_created
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_order_tax
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_payment_transaction
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_shipping_aggregated
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_shipping_aggregated_order
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: salesrule
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: salesrule_coupon
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: salesrule_coupon_usage
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: salesrule_customer
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: tax_calculation
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: tax_calculation_rate
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: tax_order_aggregated_created
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: wishlist
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: wishlist_item
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Volume Check failed
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][INFO][mode: delta][stage: delta delivering][step: Log Step]: started
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][INFO][mode: delta][stage: volume check][step: Log Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: customer_visitor
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Volume Check failed
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][INFO][mode: delta][stage: delta delivering][step: OrderGrids Step]: started
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][INFO][mode: delta][stage: volume check][step: OrderGrids Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_order_grid
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_invoice_grid
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_shipment_grid
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Volume Check failed
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][INFO][mode: delta][stage: delta delivering][step: SalesIncrement Step]: started
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][INFO][mode: delta][stage: volume check][step: SalesIncrement Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch in last increment id of order entity
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch in last increment id of invoice entity
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch in last increment id of shipment entity
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Volume Check failed
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][INFO][mode: delta][stage: volume check][step: SalesIncrement Step]: Migration completed successfully

Eu acho que minha pergunta é algumas perguntas:

  • É a abordagem que eu segui de maneira correta para obter dados do 1.4.1 ao 2.1.2
  • Há uma referência ausente que o migrate: delta está procurando,
    pois esse banco de dados atualizado não era o original do qual eu migrei?
  • e a pergunta do título.



Na sua abordagem após a instalação bem-sucedida do site magento 2, quero dizer a migração de dados no desenvolvimento e configuração do tema e site completos. Você precisa migrar os dados atualizados do magento 1 novamente e pode usar a mesma base de código e sua loja magento 2 com novos dados estará ativa. Por favor, tente seguir esta abordagem.

@LRV, posso saber como você resolveu esse problema?
CodeForGood 23/03
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