Compreensão adicional setRetainInstance (true)


O que exatamente acontece quando você liga setRetainInstance(true)para um Fragment? A documentação é praticamente inexistente e esta parece ser uma função muito importante. Especificamente, quero saber quanto desta sequência (que inventei) é verdadeira:

  1. O usuário gira o dispositivo.
  2. O fragmento é separado do Activitye Fragment.onDetach()é chamado.
  3. A atividade é destruída; Activity.onDestroy()é chamado.
  4. O Activityobjeto java é excluído (quando possível, pelo GC).
  5. Um novo Activityobjeto java é criado; seu construtor e onCreate()são chamados.
  6. Em Activity.onCreate()nós temos o setContentView(...)que define um layout contendo um fragmento, ou usamos FragmentTransaction para adicionar um fragmento.
  7. Não tenho certeza sobre isso, mas presumo que o Android seja inteligente o suficiente para encontrar o fragmento antigo e chamá Fragment.onAttach()-lo para reconectá-lo ao novoActivity
  8. Em seguida (ou antes? Quem sabe?) Activity.onResume()É chamado.

Então, isso está correto? O Android é inteligente o suficiente para encontrar o fragmento antigo, mesmo se eu usar explicitamente FragmentTransaction.add(new MyFragment(), ...)na primeira vez? E se sim, como evito adicionar outro fragmento onCreate()? Eu preciso fazer algo assim ?:

    if (getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag("foo") == null)
        FragmentTransaction ft = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
        ft.add(new FooFragment(), "foo").commit();



Ok, talvez eu tenha sido um pouco duro demais com a documentação do Android, porque ela contém algumas informações úteis, mas infelizmente nenhuma delas está vinculada setRetainInstance(). Da página sobre fragmentos

Nota: Cada fragmento requer um identificador exclusivo que o sistema pode usar para restaurar o fragmento se a atividade for reiniciada (e que você pode usar para capturar o fragmento para realizar transações, como removê-lo). Existem três maneiras de fornecer um ID para um fragmento:

  • Forneça o atributo android: id com um ID exclusivo.
  • Forneça o atributo android: tag com uma string exclusiva.
  • Se você não fornecer nenhum dos dois anteriores, o sistema usará o ID da visualização do contêiner.

Isso implica fortemente que se você fizer setContentView(R.layout.whatever)in Activity.onCreated()e esse layout contiver um fragmento com setRetainInstance(true), então, quando a atividade for recriada, ela será pesquisada novamente usando seu id ou tag.

Em segundo lugar, para fragmentos sem UI, ele afirma

Para adicionar um fragmento sem uma IU, adicione o fragmento da atividade usando add (Fragment, String) (fornecendo uma string "tag" exclusiva para o fragmento, em vez de um ID de visualização). Isso adiciona o fragmento, mas, como não está associado a uma visualização no layout da atividade, não recebe uma chamada para onCreateView (). Portanto, você não precisa implementar esse método.

E os documentos apontam para um exemplo muito bom - FragmentRetainInstance.javaque reproduzi abaixo para sua conveniência. Ele faz exatamente o que especulei foi a resposta à minha pergunta ( if (...findFragmentByTag() == null) { ...).

Por fim, criei minha própria atividade de teste para ver exatamente quais funções são chamadas. Ele produz isso quando você começa no modo retrato e gira para o modo paisagem. O código está abaixo.

(Isso é editado um pouco para facilitar a leitura.)

TestActivity@415a4a30: this()
TestActivity@415a4a30: onCreate()
TestActivity@415a4a30: Existing fragment not found.
TestFragment{41583008}: this() TestFragment{41583008}
TestFragment{41583008}: onAttach(TestActivity@415a4a30)
TestFragment{41583008}: onCreate()
TestFragment{41583008}: onCreateView()
TestFragment{41583008}: onActivityCreated()
TestActivity@415a4a30: onStart()
TestFragment{41583008}: onStart()
TestActivity@415a4a30: onResume()
TestFragment{41583008}: onResume()

<rotate device>

TestFragment{41583008}: onPause()
TestActivity@415a4a30: onPause()
TestFragment{41583008}: onStop()
TestActivity@415a4a30: onStop()
TestFragment{41583008}: onDestroyView()
TestFragment{41583008}: onDetach()
TestActivity@415a4a30: onDestroy()
TestActivity@415a3380: this()
TestFragment{41583008}: onAttach(TestActivity@415a3380)
TestActivity@415a3380: onCreate()
TestActivity@415a3380: Existing fragment found.
TestFragment{41583008}: onCreateView()
TestFragment{41583008}: onActivityCreated()
TestActivity@415a3380: onStart()
TestFragment{41583008}: onStart()
TestActivity@415a3380: onResume()
TestFragment{41583008}: onResume()

Note-se que a documentação Android está errado: o fragmento UI-less não receber uma chamada para onCreateView()mas é livre para voltar null.

Código-fonte para TestActivity/TestFragment

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.TextView;


// An activity for understanding Android lifecycle events.
public class TestActivity extends Activity
    private static final String TAG = TestActivity.class.getSimpleName();

    public TestActivity()
        Log.d(TAG, this + ": this()");

    protected void finalize() throws Throwable
        Log.d(TAG, this + ": finalize()");

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
        Log.d(TAG, this + ": onCreate()");

        TextView tv = new TextView(this);
        tv.setText("Hello world");

        if (getFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag("test_fragment") == null)
            Log.d(TAG, this + ": Existing fragment not found.");
            FragmentTransaction ft = getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
            ft.add(new TestFragment(), "test_fragment").commit();
            Log.d(TAG, this + ": Existing fragment found.");

    public void onStart()
        Log.d(TAG, this + ": onStart()");

    public void onResume()
        Log.d(TAG, this + ": onResume()");

    public void onPause()
        Log.d(TAG, this + ": onPause()");

    public void onStop()
        Log.d(TAG, this + ": onStop()");

    public void onDestroy()
        Log.d(TAG, this + ": onDestroy()");

    public static class TestFragment extends Fragment
        private static final String TAG = TestFragment.class.getSimpleName();

        public TestFragment()
            Log.d(TAG,  this + ": this() " + this);

        public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
            Log.d(TAG, this + ": onCreate()");

        public void onAttach(final Activity activity)
            Log.d(TAG, this + ": onAttach(" + activity + ")");

        public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState)
            Log.d(TAG, this + ": onActivityCreated()");

        public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)
            Log.d(TAG, this + ": onCreateView()");
            return null;

        public void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState)
            super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState);
            Log.d(TAG, this + ": onViewCreated()");

        public void onDestroyView()
            Log.d(TAG, this + ": onDestroyView()");

        public void onDetach()
            Log.d(TAG, this + ": onDetach()");

        public void onStart()
            Log.d(TAG, this + ": onStart()");

        public void onResume()
            Log.d(TAG, this + ": onResume()");

        public void onPause()
            Log.d(TAG, this + ": onPause()");

        public void onStop()
            Log.d(TAG, this + ": onStop()");

        public void onDestroy()
            Log.d(TAG, this + ": onDestroy()");


Código-fonte para partir da API 16):

 * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.



import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.ProgressBar;

 * This example shows how you can use a Fragment to easily propagate state
 * (such as threads) across activity instances when an activity needs to be
 * restarted due to, for example, a configuration change.  This is a lot
 * easier than using the raw Activity.onRetainNonConfiguratinInstance() API.
public class FragmentRetainInstance extends Activity {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // First time init, create the UI.
        if (savedInstanceState == null) {
                    new UiFragment()).commit();

     * This is a fragment showing UI that will be updated from work done
     * in the retained fragment.
    public static class UiFragment extends Fragment {
        RetainedFragment mWorkFragment;

        public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
                Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            View v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_retain_instance, container, false);

            // Watch for button clicks.
            Button button = (Button)v.findViewById(;
            button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(View v) {

            return v;

        public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

            FragmentManager fm = getFragmentManager();

            // Check to see if we have retained the worker fragment.
            mWorkFragment = (RetainedFragment)fm.findFragmentByTag("work");

            // If not retained (or first time running), we need to create it.
            if (mWorkFragment == null) {
                mWorkFragment = new RetainedFragment();
                // Tell it who it is working with.
                mWorkFragment.setTargetFragment(this, 0);
                fm.beginTransaction().add(mWorkFragment, "work").commit();


     * This is the Fragment implementation that will be retained across
     * activity instances.  It represents some ongoing work, here a thread
     * we have that sits around incrementing a progress indicator.
    public static class RetainedFragment extends Fragment {
        ProgressBar mProgressBar;
        int mPosition;
        boolean mReady = false;
        boolean mQuiting = false;

         * This is the thread that will do our work.  It sits in a loop running
         * the progress up until it has reached the top, then stops and waits.
        final Thread mThread = new Thread() {
            public void run() {
                // We'll figure the real value out later.
                int max = 10000;

                // This thread runs almost forever.
                while (true) {

                    // Update our shared state with the UI.
                    synchronized (this) {
                        // Our thread is stopped if the UI is not ready
                        // or it has completed its work.
                        while (!mReady || mPosition >= max) {
                            if (mQuiting) {
                            try {
                            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

                        // Now update the progress.  Note it is important that
                        // we touch the progress bar with the lock held, so it
                        // doesn't disappear on us.
                        max = mProgressBar.getMax();

                    // Normally we would be doing some work, but put a kludge
                    // here to pretend like we are.
                    synchronized (this) {
                        try {
                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {

         * Fragment initialization.  We way we want to be retained and
         * start our thread.
        public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

            // Tell the framework to try to keep this fragment around
            // during a configuration change.

            // Start up the worker thread.

         * This is called when the Fragment's Activity is ready to go, after
         * its content view has been installed; it is called both after
         * the initial fragment creation and after the fragment is re-attached
         * to a new activity.
        public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

            // Retrieve the progress bar from the target's view hierarchy.
            mProgressBar = (ProgressBar)getTargetFragment().getView().findViewById(

            // We are ready for our thread to go.
            synchronized (mThread) {
                mReady = true;

         * This is called when the fragment is going away.  It is NOT called
         * when the fragment is being propagated between activity instances.
        public void onDestroy() {
            // Make the thread go away.
            synchronized (mThread) {
                mReady = false;
                mQuiting = true;


         * This is called right before the fragment is detached from its
         * current activity instance.
        public void onDetach() {
            // This fragment is being detached from its activity.  We need
            // to make sure its thread is not going to touch any activity
            // state after returning from this function.
            synchronized (mThread) {
                mProgressBar = null;
                mReady = false;


         * API for our UI to restart the progress thread.
        public void restart() {
            synchronized (mThread) {
                mPosition = 0;

Você se importaria de olhar minha pergunta e me informar como eu implementaria sua solução. Meu aplicativo funciona, mas eu quero remover android: configChanges = "idance | keyboardHidden | screenSize "e isso resultará na falha do aplicativo em reter seu Fragment Listener após a alteração da configuração.…
Luke Allison


setRetainInstance()in Fragmentclass é um substituto inteligente para onRetainCustomNonConfigurationInstance()of Activityclass e muito mais.

Claramente declarado na documentação .

Aqui está o registro do que acontece (um fragmento de IU adicionado sob demanda e, em seguida, uma alteração de configuração):

Padrão setRetainInstance(false)

09-29 13:23:04.771: DEBUG/szipinf(4790): Initializing inflate state
09-29 13:23:04.801: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4790): Instantiated - com.example.MyActivity@405196b0
09-29 13:23:04.851: DEBUG/dalvikvm(4790): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 49K, 51% free 2686K/5379K, external 0K/0K, paused 45ms
09-29 13:23:04.881: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4790): onCreate - com.example.MyActivity@405196b0
09-29 13:23:04.881: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4790): onStart - com.example.MyActivity@405196b0
09-29 13:23:04.881: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4790): onResume - com.example.MyActivity@405196b0
09-29 13:23:04.891: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4790): onAttachedToWindow - com.example.MyActivity@405196b0
09-29 13:23:10.381: DEBUG/dalvikvm(4457): GC_EXPLICIT freed 8K, 51% free 2681K/5379K, external 0K/0K, paused 38ms
09-29 13:23:11.901: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4790): Instantiated - MyFragment{40530610}
09-29 13:23:11.911: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4790): onAttach - MyFragment{40530610 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:23:11.911: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4790): onAttachFragment - com.example.MyActivity@405196b0
09-29 13:23:11.911: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4790): onCreate - MyFragment{40530610 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:23:11.911: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4790): onCreateView - MyFragment{40530610 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:23:11.921: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4790): onViewCreated - MyFragment{40530610 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:23:11.921: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4790): onActivityCreated - MyFragment{40530610 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:23:11.931: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4790): onStart - MyFragment{40530610 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:23:11.931: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4790): onResume - MyFragment{40530610 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:23:15.081: INFO/ActivityManager(1268): Config changed: { scale=1.0 imsi=404/45 loc=en_US touch=3 keys=1/1/2 nav=1/1 orien=2 layout=34 uiMode=17 seq=105 themeResource=null}
09-29 13:23:15.111: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4790): onSaveInstanceState - com.example.MyActivity@405196b0
09-29 13:23:15.111: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4790): onPause - MyFragment{40530610 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:23:15.121: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4790): onPause - com.example.MyActivity@405196b0
09-29 13:23:15.121: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4790): onStop - MyFragment{40530610 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:23:15.121: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4790): onStop - com.example.MyActivity@405196b0
09-29 13:23:15.121: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4790): onRetainCustomNonConfigurationInstance - com.example.MyActivity@405196b0
09-29 13:23:15.121: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4790): onDestroyView - MyFragment{40530610 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:23:15.121: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4790): onDestroy - MyFragment{40530610 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:23:15.121: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4790): onDetach - MyFragment{40530610 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:23:15.121: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4790): onDestroy - com.example.MyActivity@405196b0
09-29 13:23:15.191: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4790): onDetachedFromWindow - com.example.MyActivity@405196b0
09-29 13:23:15.201: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4790): Instantiated - com.example.MyActivity@4053c438
09-29 13:23:15.201: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4790): Instantiated - MyFragment{4053cde0}
09-29 13:23:15.201: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4790): onAttach - MyFragment{4053cde0 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:23:15.201: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4790): onAttachFragment - com.example.MyActivity@4053c438
09-29 13:23:15.201: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4790): onCreate - MyFragment{4053cde0 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:23:15.251: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4790): onCreate - com.example.MyActivity@4053c438
09-29 13:23:15.251: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4790): onCreateView - MyFragment{4053cde0 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:23:15.261: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4790): onViewCreated - MyFragment{4053cde0 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:23:15.261: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4790): onActivityCreated - MyFragment{4053cde0 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:23:15.291: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4790): onStart - MyFragment{4053cde0 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:23:15.291: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4790): onStart - com.example.MyActivity@4053c438
09-29 13:23:15.291: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4790): onResume - com.example.MyActivity@4053c438
09-29 13:23:15.291: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4790): onResume - MyFragment{4053cde0 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:23:15.321: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4790): onAttachedToWindow - com.example.MyActivity@4053c438

Então, Fragment é recriado totalmente novo e mostrado novamente, tudo isso enquanto setRetainInstance(false)

E agora com setRetainInstance(true)

09-29 13:18:46.121: INFO/ActivityManager(1268): Starting: Intent { flg=0x10100000 cmp=com.example/.MyActivity } from pid 1268
09-29 13:18:46.141: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4726): Instantiated - com.example.MyActivity@4056f2e0
09-29 13:18:46.161: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4726): onCreate - com.example.MyActivity@4056f2e0
09-29 13:18:46.161: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4726): onStart - com.example.MyActivity@4056f2e0
09-29 13:18:46.161: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4726): onResume - com.example.MyActivity@4056f2e0
09-29 13:18:46.191: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4726): onAttachedToWindow - com.example.MyActivity@4056f2e0
09-29 13:19:10.431: DEBUG/SntpClient(1268): request time failed:
09-29 13:19:14.251: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4726): Instantiated - MyFragment{405288c0}
09-29 13:19:14.271: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4726): onAttach - MyFragment{405288c0 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:19:14.271: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4726): onAttachFragment - com.example.MyActivity@4056f2e0
09-29 13:19:14.271: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4726): onCreate - MyFragment{405288c0 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:19:14.281: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4726): onCreateView - MyFragment{405288c0 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:19:14.281: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4726): onViewCreated - MyFragment{405288c0 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:19:14.281: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4726): onActivityCreated - MyFragment{405288c0 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:19:14.291: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4726): onStart - MyFragment{405288c0 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:19:14.291: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4726): onResume - MyFragment{405288c0 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:19:21.921: INFO/ActivityManager(1268): Config changed: { scale=1.0 imsi=404/45 loc=en_US touch=3 keys=1/1/2 nav=1/1 orien=2 layout=34 uiMode=17 seq=103 themeResource=null}
09-29 13:19:21.961: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4726): onSaveInstanceState - com.example.MyActivity@4056f2e0
09-29 13:19:21.961: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4726): onPause - MyFragment{405288c0 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:19:21.961: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4726): onPause - com.example.MyActivity@4056f2e0
09-29 13:19:21.961: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4726): onStop - MyFragment{405288c0 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:19:21.961: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4726): onStop - com.example.MyActivity@4056f2e0
09-29 13:19:21.961: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4726): onRetainCustomNonConfigurationInstance - com.example.MyActivity@4056f2e0
09-29 13:19:21.961: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4726): onDestroyView - MyFragment{405288c0 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:19:21.961: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4726): onDetach - MyFragment{405288c0 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:19:21.961: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4726): onDestroy - com.example.MyActivity@4056f2e0
09-29 13:19:22.111: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4726): onDetachedFromWindow - com.example.MyActivity@4056f2e0
09-29 13:19:22.111: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4726): Instantiated - com.example.MyActivity@4054a0e8
09-29 13:19:22.111: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4726): onAttach - MyFragment{405288c0 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:19:22.111: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4726): onAttachFragment - com.example.MyActivity@4054a0e8
09-29 13:19:22.131: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4726): onCreate - com.example.MyActivity@4054a0e8
09-29 13:19:22.131: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4726): onCreateView - MyFragment{405288c0 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:19:22.131: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4726): onViewCreated - MyFragment{405288c0 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:19:22.131: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4726): onActivityCreated - MyFragment{405288c0 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:19:22.141: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4726): onStart - MyFragment{405288c0 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:19:22.141: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4726): onStart - com.example.MyActivity@4054a0e8
09-29 13:19:22.141: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4726): onResume - com.example.MyActivity@4054a0e8
09-29 13:19:22.141: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4726): onResume - MyFragment{405288c0 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:19:22.171: INFO/TESTING - MYACTIVITY(4726): onAttachedToWindow - com.example.MyActivity@4054a0e8
09-29 13:19:22.181: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4726): onPause - MyFragment{405288c0 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:19:22.181: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4726): onStop - MyFragment{405288c0 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:19:22.181: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4726): onDestroyView - MyFragment{405288c0 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:19:22.181: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4726): onDestroy - MyFragment{405288c0 #0 MyFragment}
09-29 13:19:22.181: INFO/TESTING - MYFRAGMENT(4726): onDetach - MyFragment{405288c0 #0 MyFragment}

Notou o efeito? A instância do fragmento (objeto 405288c0) foi retida, o que é bom. Mas é muito provável que a instância retida contenha recursos, visualizações e objetos que pertenciam a orientações anteriores, o que pode levar a vazamentos de memória.

Deve-se tomar mais cuidado ao escrever o código para iniciar este fragmento: você deve sempre verificar se há uma instância pré-existente.

Moral da história: setRetainInstance()é melhor usado para fragmentos não visuais.

dois logs me dão a resposta. O primeiro log cria uma nova instância toda vez (40530610,4053cde0), depois de setRetainInstance () apenas uma instância 405288c0
Ranjith Kumar


Assim, você pode codificar em void onCreate protegido (Bundle savedInstanceState) na classe de atividade

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    // add code findViewById...etc
    // add your fragment in code, IT WILL BE NOT CHANGE
        FragmentA a_fragment = new FragmentA();
        FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
        fragmentTransaction.replace(, a_fragment);


Ao invés de

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    // add code findViewById...etc
    // add your fragment and not check savedInstanceState IT WILL BE CHANGE
    FragmentA a_fragment = new FragmentA();
    FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
    fragmentTransaction.replace(, a_fragment);



public View onCreateView(...) {

 // Remember add this line

 return root;
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