Eu uso esta função há algum tempo sem problemas. Você só precisa fornecer as colunas numéricas que existem no arquivo csv, e ele pegará os nomes dos cabeçalhos da primeira linha e criará a tabela para você:
create or replace function data.load_csv_file
target_table text, -- name of the table that will be created
csv_file_path text,
col_count integer
returns void
as $$
iter integer; -- dummy integer to iterate columns with
col text; -- to keep column names in each iteration
col_first text; -- first column name, e.g., top left corner on a csv file or spreadsheet
set schema 'data';
create table temp_table ();
-- add just enough number of columns
for iter in 1..col_count
execute format ('alter table temp_table add column col_%s text;', iter);
end loop;
-- copy the data from csv file
execute format ('copy temp_table from %L with delimiter '','' quote ''"'' csv ', csv_file_path);
iter := 1;
col_first := (select col_1
from temp_table
limit 1);
-- update the column names based on the first row which has the column names
for col in execute format ('select unnest(string_to_array(trim(temp_table::text, ''()''), '','')) from temp_table where col_1 = %L', col_first)
execute format ('alter table temp_table rename column col_%s to %s', iter, col);
iter := iter + 1;
end loop;
-- delete the columns row // using quote_ident or %I does not work here!?
execute format ('delete from temp_table where %s = %L', col_first, col_first);
-- change the temp table name to the name given as parameter, if not blank
if length (target_table) > 0 then
execute format ('alter table temp_table rename to %I', target_table);
end if;
$$ language plpgsql;
? Muito confuso. A tabela existe ou deseja criá-la com base no CSV? (você não pode)