Eu pessoalmente uso o seguinte código em um pacote "dataManagement" que chamo em todos os meus scripts. Tem documentação e exemplos do Roxygen. Na verdade, você simplesmente chama document () e executa doxygen no código C, em src /. O documento é colocado em inst / doxygen para que seu pacote esteja pronto para CRAN.
A documentação R sendo projetada para usuários finais R não deveria olhar para o código C Eu não integrei a documentação do código C na documentação R clássica, mas provavelmente seria uma boa prática copiar a documentação C resultante como uma "vinheta" .
#' @title Replace a value for a given tag on file in memory
#' @description Scan the lines and change the value for the named tag if one line has this tag,
#' add a line at the end if no line has this tag and return a warning if several lines
#' matching the tag
#' @param fileStrings A vector with each string containing a line of the file
#' @param tag The tag to be searched for
#' @param newVal The new value for the tag
#' @return The vector of strings with the new value
#' @examples
#' fakeFileStrings <- c("Hello = world","SURE\t= indeed","Hello = you")
#' expect_warning(ReplaceTag(fakeFileStrings,"Hello","me"))
#' newFake <- ReplaceTag(fakeFileStrings,"SURE","me")
#' expect_equal(length(newFake), length(fakeFileStrings))
#' expect_equal(length(grep("SURE",newFake)), 1)
#' expect_equal(length(grep("me",newFake)), 1)
#' newFake <- ReplaceTag(fakeFileStrings,"Bouh","frightened?")
#' expect_equal(length(newFake), length(fakeFileStrings)+1)
#' expect_equal(length(grep("Bouh",newFake)), 1)
#' expect_equal(length(grep("frightened?",newFake)), 1)
ReplaceTag <- function(fileStrings,tag,newVal){
iLine <- grep(paste0("^",tag,"\\>"),fileStrings)
nLines <- length(iLine)
if(nLines == 0){
line <- paste0(tag,"\t= ",newVal)
iLine <- length(fileStrings)+1
}else if (nLines > 0){
line <- gsub("=.*",paste0("= ",newVal),fileStrings[iLine])
if(nLines >1){
warning(paste0("File has",nLines,"for key",tag,"check it up manually"))
fileStrings[iLine] <- line
#' Prepares the R package structure for use with doxygen
#' @description Makes a configuration file in inst/doxygen
#' and set a few options:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{EXTRACT_ALL = YES}
#' \item{INPUT = src/}
#' \item{OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = inst/doxygen/}
#' }
#' @param rootFolder The root of the R package
#' @return NULL
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' DoxInit()
#' }
#' @export
DoxInit <- function(rootFolder="."){
doxyFileName <- "Doxyfile"
initFolder <- getwd()
if(rootFolder != "."){
rootFileYes <- length(grep("DESCRIPTION",dir()))>0
# prepare the doxygen folder
doxDir <- "inst/doxygen"
# prepare the doxygen configuration file
system(paste0("doxygen -g ",doxyFileName))
doxyfile <- readLines("Doxyfile")
doxyfile <- ReplaceTag(doxyfile,"EXTRACT_ALL","YES")
doxyfile <- ReplaceTag(doxyfile,"INPUT","src/")
doxyfile <- ReplaceTag(doxyfile,"OUTPUT_DIRECTORY","inst/doxygen/")
#' devtools document function when using doxygen
#' @description Overwrites devtools::document() to include the treatment of
#' doxygen documentation in src/
#' @param doxygen A boolean: should doxygen be ran on documents in src?
#' the default is TRUE if a src folder exist and FALSE if not
#' @return The value returned by devtools::document()
#' @example
#' \dontrun{
#' document()
#' }
#' @export
document <- function(doxygen=file.exists("src")){