Uma definição clara do transdutor está aqui:
Transducers are a powerful and composable way to build algorithmic transformations that you can reuse in many contexts, and they’re coming to Clojure core and core.async.
Para entender isso, vamos considerar o seguinte exemplo simples:
;; The Families in the Village
(def village
[{:home :north :family "smith" :name "sue" :age 37 :sex :f :role :parent}
{:home :north :family "smith" :name "stan" :age 35 :sex :m :role :parent}
{:home :north :family "smith" :name "simon" :age 7 :sex :m :role :child}
{:home :north :family "smith" :name "sadie" :age 5 :sex :f :role :child}
{:home :south :family "jones" :name "jill" :age 45 :sex :f :role :parent}
{:home :south :family "jones" :name "jeff" :age 45 :sex :m :role :parent}
{:home :south :family "jones" :name "jackie" :age 19 :sex :f :role :child}
{:home :south :family "jones" :name "jason" :age 16 :sex :f :role :child}
{:home :south :family "jones" :name "june" :age 14 :sex :f :role :child}
{:home :west :family "brown" :name "billie" :age 55 :sex :f :role :parent}
{:home :west :family "brown" :name "brian" :age 23 :sex :m :role :child}
{:home :west :family "brown" :name "bettie" :age 29 :sex :f :role :child}
{:home :east :family "williams" :name "walter" :age 23 :sex :m :role :parent}
{:home :east :family "williams" :name "wanda" :age 3 :sex :f :role :child}])
Que tal, queremos saber quantas crianças há na aldeia? Podemos descobrir facilmente com o seguinte redutor:
;; Example 1a - using a reducer to add up all the mapped values
(def ex1a-map-children-to-value-1 (r/map #(if (= :child (:role %)) 1 0)))
(r/reduce + 0 (ex1a-map-children-to-value-1 village))
Aqui está outra maneira de fazer isso:
;; Example 1b - using a transducer to add up all the mapped values
;; create the transducers using the new arity for map that
;; takes just the function, no collection
(def ex1b-map-children-to-value-1 (map #(if (= :child (:role %)) 1 0)))
;; now use transduce (c.f r/reduce) with the transducer to get the answer
(transduce ex1b-map-children-to-value-1 + 0 village)
Além disso, é muito poderoso quando se leva em conta subgrupos. Por exemplo, se quisermos saber quantas crianças há na Família Marrom, podemos executar:
;; Example 2a - using a reducer to count the children in the Brown family
;; create the reducer to select members of the Brown family
(def ex2a-select-brown-family (r/filter #(= "brown" (string/lower-case (:family %)))))
;; compose a composite function to select the Brown family and map children to 1
(def ex2a-count-brown-family-children (comp ex1a-map-children-to-value-1 ex2a-select-brown-family))
;; reduce to add up all the Brown children
(r/reduce + 0 (ex2a-count-brown-family-children village))
Espero que esses exemplos sejam úteis. Você pode encontrar mais aqui
Espero que ajude.
Clemencio Morales Lucas.