Avisos de descontinuação de neblina ao iniciar o servidor Rails


Migrei meu aplicativo Rails para o Rails 6.0.1 e toda vez que inicio o servidor, recebo esses avisos de reprovação do Fog. Como posso me livrar deles? Engraçado o suficiente, eu tenho uma versão clonada deste aplicativo, que não dá esses avisos ...

[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Atmos::Storage
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Storage::Atmos is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Clodo::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::Clodo is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::DigitalOcean::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::DigitalOcean is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Dnsimple::DNS
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::DNS::Dnsimple is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::DNSMadeEasy::DNS
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::DNS::DNSMadeEasy is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Fogdocker::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::Fogdocker is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Dreamhost::DNS
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::DNS::Dreamhost is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Dynect::DNS
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::DNS::Dynect is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Ecloud::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::Ecloud is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Glesys::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::Glesys is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::GoGrid::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::GoGrid is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Google::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::Google is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Google::DNS
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::DNS::Google is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Google::Storage
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Storage::Google is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::IBM::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::IBM is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::IBM::Storage
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Storage::IBM is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::InternetArchive::Storage
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Storage::InternetArchive is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Linode::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::Linode is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Linode::DNS
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::DNS::Linode is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::BareMetalCloud::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::BareMetalCloud is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Rackspace::CDN
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::CDN::Rackspace is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Rackspace::CDN v2
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::CDN v2::Rackspace is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Rackspace::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::Rackspace is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Rackspace::Compute v2
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute v2::Rackspace is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Rackspace::DNS
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::DNS::Rackspace is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Rackspace::Storage
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Storage::Rackspace is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Rackspace::Databases
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Databases::Rackspace is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Rage4::DNS
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::DNS::Rage4 is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::PowerDNS::DNS
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::DNS::PowerDNS is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::ProfitBricks::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::ProfitBricks is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::SakuraCloud::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::SakuraCloud is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::SakuraCloud::Volume
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Volume::SakuraCloud is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::SakuraCloud::Network
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Network::SakuraCloud is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::SakuraCloud::DNS
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::DNS::SakuraCloud is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Serverlove::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::Serverlove is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Softlayer::Account
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Account::Softlayer is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Softlayer::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::Softlayer is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Softlayer::DNS
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::DNS::Softlayer is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Softlayer::Network
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Network::Softlayer is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Softlayer::Storage
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Storage::Softlayer is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::StormOnDemand::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::StormOnDemand is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::StormOnDemand::Network
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Network::StormOnDemand is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::StormOnDemand::Storage
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Storage::StormOnDemand is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::StormOnDemand::DNS
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::DNS::StormOnDemand is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::StormOnDemand::Billing
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Billing::StormOnDemand is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::StormOnDemand::Monitoring
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Monitoring::StormOnDemand is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::StormOnDemand::Support
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Support::StormOnDemand is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::StormOnDemand::Account
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Account::StormOnDemand is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::StormOnDemand::VPN
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::VPN::StormOnDemand is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Vcloud::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::Vcloud is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::VcloudDirector::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::VcloudDirector is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Vmfusion::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::Vmfusion is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Voxel::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::Voxel is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::CloudSigma::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::CloudSigma is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Openvz::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::Openvz is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::OpenNebula::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::OpenNebula is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Aliyun::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::Aliyun is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Aliyun::Storage
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Storage::Aliyun is deprecated

Você atualizou a gema 'fog-core' ??
Santosh Aryal

Não, a gema do nevoeiro é fixada em uma determinada versão #

Em que versões de nevoeiro e / ou núcleo de nevoeiro você está?

Você encontrou uma resposta para isso? Estou vendo o mesmo aviso e é bastante irritante toda vez que invoco comandos "rails".
Askar Hussain

Minhas versões são nevoeiro (2.2.0) e nevoeiro (~> 2.1)
Askar Hussain



Solução alternativa: coloque estas 2 linhas acima do Bundler.requirir em seu config/application.rb


require 'fog/core'
Fog::Logger[:deprecation] = nil

# Require the gems listed in Gemfile, including any gems
# you've limited to :test, :development, or :production.


Sim, isso removeu os avisos, obrigado!


Pelo meu entendimento, você está usando toda a fogbiblioteca. Existe uma razão específica para você ser a biblioteca completa, por exemplo fog-aws? Na IMO, há muito pouco benefício em usar a fogbiblioteca completa , a menos que você tenha algum tipo de aplicativo / biblioteca de nível superior que interaja com todos os fornecedores que fogoferece. Então, sugiro apenas exigir a biblioteca / bibliotecas necessárias e deixar o resto. Isso pode se livrar dos avisos de descontinuação.

Sem motivo específico, foi assim que foi configurado há muitos anos no aplicativo. Até o Rails 6, isso não era problema e não dava esses avisos.
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