O método retorna o elemento pai direto do selecionado. Este método percorre apenas um único nível na árvore DOM.
O método nos permite pesquisar os ancestrais desses elementos na árvore DOM. Comece a partir do seletor fornecido e suba.
The **.parents()** and **.parent()** methods are almost similar, except that the latter only travels a single level up the DOM tree. Also, **$( "html" ).parent()** method returns a set containing document whereas **$( "html" ).parents()** returns an empty set.
[closest()][3]method returns the first ancestor of the selected element.An ancestor is a parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, and so on.
This method traverse upwards from the current element, all the way up to the document's root element (<html>), to find the first ancestor of DOM elements.
According to docs:
**closest()** method is similar to **parents()**, in that they both traverse up the DOM tree. The differences are as follows:
Begins with the current element
Travels up the DOM tree and returns the first (single) ancestor that matches the passed expression
The returned jQuery object contains zero or one element
Begins with the parent element
Travels up the DOM tree and returns all ancestors that matches the passed expression
The returned jQuery object contains zero or more than one element