Existe alguma maneira de exibir o alimentador de linha de entrada padrão do shell separadamente do fluxo de saída padrão? Esta parece ser uma questão muito básica, mas eu não notei muitas pessoas perguntando sobre isso por algum motivo.
Em particular, estou tentando evitar que minha entrada seja dividida por impressões de saída padrão (e erro padrão). Por exemplo, estou tentando evitar o seguinte cenário:
$while true; do echo "Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?"; sleep 1.5; done
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
whaHello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
t Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
stopHello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
whyHello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Em vez disso, quero algo parecido com isto:
$while true; do echo "Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?"; sleep 1.5; done
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
>>unsent linefeed content appears fixed over here
Este é um recurso disponível para implementações comuns de terminais Linux? Se não, existe um ncurses
programa capaz de fazer isso?