Informações sobre vistos (pedido de Schengen, membros do alargamento)


Todo país pergunta no formulário de visto se você ficou anteriormente neste ou em outro país Schengen. Algumas pessoas ficaram em países que agora estão em Schengen, mas não fizeram parte de Schengen ou Schengen nem existia quando você estava lá. Devo mencionar esses países ou deixar o campo em branco?

Para sua pergunta: "Schengen" é o estado existente na data da sua inscrição. Se você já viajou para um país que fazia parte de um alargamento, você o escreveria como Schengen. Eles não estão preocupados com o histórico do alargamento e esperam que os candidatos definam "Schengen" como ele existe atualmente (ou seja, a data da sua inscrição).
Gayot Fow



Those visa forms generally don't expect an exhaustive list of your past travels. This means that if you've traveled to today's Schengen countries let's say 50 times in your life, listing them one by one won't really make sense. Yet in case you've entered Schengen twice and another couple of times to current Schengen countries before they joined the union, it would make sense to list all of them. On top of that, you need to mention the year when the journey took place anyway, so they will see that you've been to those countries with a separate visa and not a Schengen visa.

Long story short, be open and honest, and use common sense.


If you know the dates you where there you should probably put them on the application.

Problem is that Schengen was established in 1995 (20 years) ago so since that time you have already changed your passport more then likely a couple of times so even if you mention it you should be prepared to prove that these actually took place especially if these were done prior to SIS, which I think would be prior to 1990.

Long story short what the immigration authorities are trying to establish is that you will go away once the term of your visa or maximum duration of stay has been reached. So if you have 5-6 entries and exits during the Schengen era they may be sufficient but if you feel like adding a list of all of your entries and exits put them on a separate sheet and attach to the application if possible.

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