Consulte também Tim Kay's solo
, que executa o bloqueio vinculando uma porta em um endereço de loopback exclusivo para o usuário:
Caso seu site seja desativado:
solo -port=PORT COMMAND
PORT some arbitrary port number to be used for locking
COMMAND shell command to run
-verbose be verbose
-silent be silent
Use-o assim:
* * * * * solo -port=3801 ./ blah blah
#!/usr/bin/perl -s
# solo v1.7
# Prevents multiple cron instances from running simultaneously.
# Copyright 2007-2016 Timothy Kay
# It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either:
# a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
# either version 1 (, or (at your option)
# any later version (, or
# b) the "Artistic License" (, or
# c) the MIT License (
use Socket;
alarm $timeout if $timeout;
$port =~ /^\d+$/ or $noport or die "Usage: $0 -port=PORT COMMAND\n";
if ($port)
# To work with OpenBSD: change to
# $addr = pack(CnC, 127, 0, 1);
# but make sure to use different ports across different users.
# (Thanks to .)
$addr = pack(CnC, 127, $<, 1);
print "solo: bind ", join(".", unpack(C4, $addr)), ":$port\n" if $verbose;
$^F = 10; # unset close-on-exec
socket(SOLO, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp')) or die "socket: $!";
bind(SOLO, sockaddr_in($port, $addr)) or $silent? exit: die "solo($port): $!\n";
sleep $sleep if $sleep;
exec @ARGV;
echo "Locking succeeded" >&2; trap 'rm -rf /var/lock/mylock' EXIT