O programa Boblight não é executado em segundo plano. Não há diferença perceptível entre executar
sudo boblightd
sudo boblightd&
Como posso resolver esse problema que o console não bloqueará outras entradas?
pi@raspberrypi ~/boblight/boblightd-for-raspberry-master $ sudo boblightd
Boblightd 2.0 (optimized version for raspberry) (c) 2013 Speedy1985 and Heven)
(InitLog) start of log /root/.boblight/boblightd.log
(PrintFlags) starting boblightd
(CConfig::LoadConfigFromFile) opening /etc/boblight.conf
(CConfig::CheckConfig) checking config lines
(CConfig::CheckConfig) config lines valid
(CConfig::BuildConfig) building config
(CConfig::BuildConfig) built config successfully
(main) starting devices
(CClientsHandler::Process) opening listening TcpSocket on *:19333
(CDevice::Process) ambilight: starting with output "/dev/spidev0.0"
(CDevice::Process) ambilight: setting up
(CDevice::Process) ambilight: setup succeeded
pi@raspberrypi ~/boblight/boblightd-for-raspberry-master $ sudo boblightd&
[1] 2289
pi@raspberrypi ~/boblight/boblightd-for-raspberry-master $
Boblightd 2.0 (optimized version for raspberry) (c) 2013 Speedy1985 and Heven)
(InitLog) start of log /root/.boblight/boblightd.log
(PrintFlags) starting boblightd
(CConfig::LoadConfigFromFile) opening /etc/boblight.conf
(CConfig::CheckConfig) checking config lines
(CConfig::CheckConfig) config lines valid
(CConfig::BuildConfig) building config
(CConfig::BuildConfig) built config successfully
(main) starting devices
(CClientsHandler::Process) opening listening TcpSocket on *:19333
(CDevice::Process) ambilight: starting with output "/dev/spidev0.0"
(CDevice::Process) ambilight: setting up
(CDevice::Process) ambilight: setup succeeded
. É simples e faz o trabalho muito bem.
sudo boblightd > /dev/null 2>&1 &