nunca consegui que meu terminal exibisse símbolos unicode. por exemplo, antes de ter meu sistema operacional atual, mapeei ctrl + a para o mu grego no vim e funciona em outros computadores, mas não no meu xterm atual. Aqui está a seção relevante da minha .vimrc
set encoding=utf-8
"map control-a to mu
imap <C-a> <C-k>m*
Além disso, preciso gerar equações sympy em python, e isso funciona em outros computadores, mas não no meu xterm atual. em vez disso:
$ python
Python 2.7.3 (default, Mar 14 2014, 11:57:14)
[GCC 4.7.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import sympy
>>> x = sympy.symbols('x')
>>> sympy.init_printing()
>>> (sympy.sqrt(x**3/(x+1)), 1)
⎛ _______ ⎞
⎜ ╱ 3 ⎟
⎜ ╱ x ⎟
⎜ ╱ ───── , 1⎟
⎝╲╱ x + 1 ⎠
Eu entendi isso:
>>> (sympy.sqrt(x**3/(x+1)), 1)
n ------- n
n n 3 n
n n x n
n n ───── , 1n
nnnn x + 1 n
De fato, parece usar apenas o n
caractere sempre que ele não pode exibir um caractere unicode.
Estou executando o xterm a partir de um ~/.xinitrc
arquivo e definindo algumas fontes e cores para o terminal ~/.Xresources
. Aqui estão todas as informações relevantes que eu poderia pensar:
$ uname -a
Linux mypcname 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.60-1+deb7u3 x86_64 GNU/Linux
$ xterm -version
$ cat ~/.xinitrc
#update the xterm colors, font size, etc
[[ -f ~/.Xresources ]] && xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources
# run the window manager in the background first
metacity &
# get the window manager process id
# wait a little while for the window manager to load (extend this if the xterm is not being properly maximised)
sleep 2
# run the xterm in fullscreen
#xterm +u8 -js -fullscreen &
xterm -en en_AU.UTF-8 -js -fullscreen &
# do not let the window manager become a zombie
wait $wm_pid
# this would run xterm first, then the window manager. doesn't maximise properly the first time startx is run
#xterm -fullscreen &
#exec mutter
$ cat ~/.Xresources
! see man xterm under the resources heading for explanations
! run `xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources` after altering this file
! run `xrdb -query -all` to see the current settings
xterm.vt100.faceName: Terminus
xterm.vt100.faceSize: 14
! do not display bold fonts in bold
xterm.vt100.AllowBoldFonts: false
! display bold fonts in a different color to make them stand out
xterm.vt100.colorBDMode: true
! use green as the bold color (same as in ~/.bashrc)
xterm.vt100.colorBD: #98E34D
! cols x lines ... update with values from $(echo $COLUMNS) and $(echo $LINES)
xterm.vt100.geometry: 126x52
! dark green foreground (same as in ~/.bashrc)
*foreground: #4E9A06
! black background
*background: #000000
! scroll quickly
xterm*fastScroll: true
! enable utf-8 encoding
xterm*locale: true
xterm*utf8: 1
! flash the current line instead of making the bell sound
*visualBell: true
*visualBellLine: true
! black
*color0: #2E3436
! darkred
*color1: #CC0000
! dark green
*color2: #4E9A06
! brown
*color3: #C4A000
! darkblue
*color4: #3465A4
! darkmagenta
*color5: #75507B
! darkcyan
*color6: #06989A
! lightgrey
*color7: #D3D7CF
! darkgrey
*color8: #555753
! red
*color9: #EF2929
! green
*colorA: #8AE234
! yellow
*colorB: #FCE94F
! blue
*colorC: #729FCF
! magenta
*colorD: #AD7FA8
! cyan
*colorE: #34E2E2
! white
*colorF: #EEEEEC
$ tail -10 .bashrc
export LC_ALL=en_AU.UTF-8
export LANG=en_AU.UTF-8
export LANGUAGE=en_AU.UTF-8
# final logon actions:
# go straight to x on login. only do this for tty1 so that we can still use the other tty consoles without starting x. also only do this when there is not already a display, otherwise the xterm will try and do this after x starts aswell
[[ -z $DISPLAY ]] && [[ $(tty) = /dev/tty1 ]] && startx
$ locale
$ printenv XTERM_LOCALE
$ xrdb -query -all
*background: #000000
*color0: #2E3436
*color1: #CC0000
*color2: #4E9A06
*color3: #C4A000
*color4: #3465A4
*color5: #75507B
*color6: #06989A
*color7: #D3D7CF
*color8: #555753
*color9: #EF2929
*colorA: #8AE234
*colorB: #FCE94F
*colorC: #729FCF
*colorD: #AD7FA8
*colorE: #34E2E2
*colorF: #EEEEEC
*foreground: #4E9A06
*visualBell: true
*visualBellLine: true
xterm*fastScroll: true
xterm*locale: true
xterm*utf8: 1
xterm.vt100.AllowBoldFonts: false
xterm.vt100.colorBD: #98E34D
xterm.vt100.colorBDMode: true
xterm.vt100.faceName: Terminus
xterm.vt100.faceSize: 14
xterm.vt100.geometry: 126x52
como faço para o utf-8 trabalhar para exibir símbolos gregos no vim e equações no sympy
informações adicionais solicitadas
$ echo $TERM
$ appres XTerm
*form.Thickness: 0
*tekMenu*tekreset*Label: RESET
*tekMenu*tektext2*Label: #2 Size Characters
*tekMenu*tekhide*Label: Hide Tek Window
*tekMenu*tekcopy*Label: COPY
*tekMenu*tektext3*Label: #3 Size Characters
*tekMenu*vtshow*Label: Show VT Window
*tekMenu*tektextsmall*Label: Small Characters
*tekMenu*vtmode*Label: Switch to VT Mode
*tekMenu*tektextlarge*Label: Large Characters
*tekMenu*tekpage*Label: PAGE
*tekMenu.Label: Tek Options
*mainMenu*redraw*Label: Redraw Window
*mainMenu*sunKeyboard*Label: VT220 Keyboard
*mainMenu*terminate*Label: Send TERM Signal
*mainMenu*backarrow key*Label: Backarrow Key (BS/DEL)
*mainMenu*logging*Label: Log to File
*mainMenu*hpFunctionKeys*Label: HP Function-Keys
*mainMenu*kill*Label: Send KILL Signal
*mainMenu*num-lock*Label: Alt/NumLock Modifiers
*mainMenu*print-immediate*Label: Print-All Immediately
*mainMenu*scoFunctionKeys*Label: SCO Function-Keys
*mainMenu*quit*Label: Quit
*mainMenu*alt-esc*Label: Alt Sends Escape
*mainMenu*print-on-error*Label: Print-All on Error
*mainMenu*tcapFunctionKeys*Label: Termcap Function-Keys
*mainMenu*meta-esc*Label: Meta Sends Escape
*mainMenu*toolbar*Label: Toolbar
*mainMenu*print*Label: Print Window
*mainMenu*suspend*Label: Send STOP Signal
*mainMenu*delete-is-del*Label: Delete is DEL
*mainMenu*print-redir*Label: Redirect to Printer
*mainMenu*fullscreen*Label: Full Screen
*mainMenu*continue*Label: Send CONT Signal
*mainMenu*oldFunctionKeys*Label: Old Function-Keys
*mainMenu*securekbd*Label: Secure Keyboard
*mainMenu*interrupt*Label: Send INT Signal
*mainMenu*8-bit control*Label: 8-Bit Controls
*mainMenu*allowsends*Label: Allow SendEvents
*mainMenu*sunFunctionKeys*Label: Sun Function-Keys
*mainMenu*hangup*Label: Send HUP Signal
*mainMenu.Label: Main Options
*VT100.utf8Fonts.font4: -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-c-80-iso10646-1
*VT100.utf8Fonts.font2: -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-c-50-iso10646-1
*VT100.utf8Fonts.font6: -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--20-200-75-75-c-100-iso10646-1
*VT100.utf8Fonts.font5: -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--18-120-100-100-c-90-iso10646-1
*VT100.utf8Fonts.font3: -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--14-130-75-75-c-70-iso10646-1
*VT100.utf8Fonts.font: -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-120-75-75-c-60-iso10646-1
*VT100.font4: 7x13
*VT100.font2: 5x7
*VT100.font6: 10x20
*VT100.font5: 9x15
*VT100.font3: 6x10
*VT100.font1: nil2
*vtMenu*selectToClipboard*Label: Select to Clipboard
*vtMenu*reversewrap*Label: Enable Reverse Wraparound
*vtMenu*softreset*Label: Do Soft Reset
*vtMenu*cursesemul*Label: Enable Curses Emulation
*vtMenu*autolinefeed*Label: Enable Auto Linefeed
*vtMenu*hardreset*Label: Do Full Reset
*vtMenu*visualbell*Label: Enable Visual Bell
*vtMenu*appcursor*Label: Enable Application Cursor Keys
*vtMenu*clearsavedlines*Label: Reset and Clear Saved Lines
*vtMenu*bellIsUrgent*Label: Enable Bell Urgency
*vtMenu*appkeypad*Label: Enable Application Keypad
*vtMenu*tekshow*Label: Show Tek Window
*vtMenu*poponbell*Label: Enable Pop on Bell
*vtMenu*scrollbar*Label: Enable Scrollbar
*vtMenu*scrollkey*Label: Scroll to Bottom on Key Press
*vtMenu*tekmode*Label: Switch to Tek Mode
*vtMenu*scrollttyoutput*Label: Scroll to Bottom on Tty Output
*vtMenu*jumpscroll*Label: Enable Jump Scroll
*vtMenu*cursorblink*Label: Enable Blinking Cursor
*vtMenu*vthide*Label: Hide VT Window
*vtMenu*allow132*Label: Allow 80/132 Column Switching
*vtMenu*reversevideo*Label: Enable Reverse Video
*vtMenu*titeInhibit*Label: Enable Alternate Screen Switching
*vtMenu*altscreen*Label: Show Alternate Screen
*vtMenu*keepSelection*Label: Keep Selection
*vtMenu*autowrap*Label: Enable Auto Wraparound
*vtMenu*activeicon*Label: Enable Active Icon
*vtMenu.Label: VT Options
*SimpleMenu*menuLabel.font: -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*
*SimpleMenu*menuLabel.vertSpace: 100
*SimpleMenu*Sme.height: 16
*SimpleMenu*BackingStore: NotUseful
*SimpleMenu*HorizontalMargins: 16
*SimpleMenu*Cursor: left_ptr
*SimpleMenu*borderWidth: 2
*menubar.borderWidth: 0
*tek4014*fontLarge: 9x15
*tek4014*font2: 8x13
*tek4014*font3: 6x13
*tek4014*fontSmall: 6x10
*MenuButton*borderWidth: 0
*fontMenu*render-font*Label: TrueType Fonts
*fontMenu*fontdefault*Label: Default
*fontMenu*font6*Label: Huge
*fontMenu*allow-window-ops*Label: Allow Window Ops
*fontMenu*utf8-mode*Label: UTF-8 Encoding
*fontMenu*font1*Label: Unreadable
*fontMenu*fontescape*Label: Escape Sequence
*fontMenu*utf8-fonts*Label: UTF-8 Fonts
*fontMenu*fontsel*Label: Selection
*fontMenu*allow-bold-fonts*Label: Bold Fonts
*fontMenu*utf8-title*Label: UTF-8 Titles
*fontMenu*font-linedrawing*Label: Line-Drawing Characters
*fontMenu*font2*Label: Tiny
*fontMenu*allow-color-ops*Label: Allow Color Ops
*fontMenu*font-doublesize*Label: Doublesized Characters
*fontMenu*font3*Label: Small
*fontMenu*allow-font-ops*Label: Allow Font Ops
*fontMenu*font-loadable*Label: VT220 Soft Fonts
*fontMenu*font4*Label: Medium
*fontMenu*allow-tcap-ops*Label: Allow Termcap Ops
*fontMenu*font-packed*Label: Packed Font
*fontMenu*font5*Label: Large
*fontMenu*allow-title-ops*Label: Allow Title Ops
*fontMenu.Label: VT Fonts
*colorD: #AD7FA8
*color5: #75507B
*backarrowKeyIsErase: true
*colorE: #34E2E2
*color6: #06989A
*ptyInitialErase: true
*colorF: #EEEEEC
*background: #000000
*color7: #D3D7CF
*saveLines: 1024
*color8: #555753
*color0: #2E3436
*foreground: #4E9A06
*IconFont: nil2
*color9: #EF2929
*color1: #CC0000
*visualBell: true
*colorA: #8AE234
*color2: #4E9A06
*visualBellLine: true
*colorB: #FCE94F
*color3: #C4A000
*colorC: #729FCF
*color4: #3465A4
$ xterm -u8 -fa "DejaVu Sans Mono"
# the following is typed in the resulting terminal:
$ echo -e "\xE2\x98\xA0"
# however when i copy the result from `echo -e "\xE2\x98\xA0"`
# into my browser, i get this: ☠ (a skull) but it does not show
# up as a skull in my xterm
$ lsof -p $PPID | grep fonts
xterm 5990 me mem REG 254,1 4971 13501810 /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc/ter-u18b_iso-8859-1.pcf.gz
xterm 5990 me mem REG 254,1 4897 13505403 /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc/ter-u18n_iso-8859-1.pcf.gz
Eu também corri, $ fc-list
mas a saída era muito grande para colar nesta pergunta. então eu coloquei aqui
o que mostra no meu navegador:
/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSansBold.ttf: FreeSans:style=Bold,получерен,negreta,tučné,fed,Fett,Έντονα,Negrita,Lihavoitu,Gras,Félkövér,Grassetto,Vet,Halvfet,Pogrubiony,Negrito,gros,Полужирный,Fet,Kalın,huruf tebal,жирний,Krepko,treknraksts,pusjuodis,đậm,Lodia,धृष्ट
o que vejo no meu terminal:
/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSansBold.ttf: FreeSans:style=Bold,nnnnnnnnn,negreta,tunné,fed,Fett,nnnnnn,Negrita,Lihavoitu,Gras,Félkövér,Grassetto,Vet,Halvfet,Pogrubiony,Negrito,gros,nnnnnnnnnn,Fet,Kalın,huruf tebal,nnnnnn,Krepko,treknraksts,pusjuodis,nậm,Lodia,nnn
Curiosamente, alguns caracteres "especiais" aparecem no meu terminal, mas a maioria é substituída por n
. você pode ver na saída anterior que nada получерен
pode ser exibido, mas o caractere final de tučné
pode ser exibido (enquanto o meio č
não pode - é substituído por n
de acordo com os comentários de @ apaul, parece que o xterm não está carregando a fonte correta. tente definir uma classe fictícia para não carregar os recursos xterm:
$ xterm -class Foo -name foo -u8 -fa "DejaVu Sans Mono:style=Book"
$ # the following commands are all executed in the resulting terminal:
$ echo -e "\xE2\x98\xA0"
$ # the above skull actually shows up now. and so does the unicode
$ # output from sympy and also vi can display greek symbols now :)
tudo o que resta é descobrir por que o xterm não pode definir a fonte usando ~/.Xresoureces
e fazê-lo funcionar. parece que algo deve estar substituindo as configurações de fonte?
na verdade, eu apenas pensei em tentar o comando acima com a fonte terminus, e parece que este é o problema:
$ xterm -class Foo -name foo -u8 -fa "Terminus"
$ # the following commands are all executed in the resulting terminal:
$ echo -e "\xE2\x98\xA0"
talvez o terminal não esteja instalado corretamente? ou está sendo mapeado para outra coisa. como eu poderia descobrir isso?
-fa "DejaVu Sans Mono:size=11:antialias=true"
No entanto, eu não entendo seus -js
e -fullscreen
opções. Minha versão do xterm não os entende. Minhas xterm -version
saídas X.Org
lsof -p $PPID | grep fonts
e verificar a lista de fontes que podem ser vistas pelo xterm fc-list
xterm -class Foo -name foo -u8 -fa "DejaVu Sans Mono:style=Book"
? (aqui vamos definir uma classe manequim e nome para que ele não irá carregar os XTerm*