Quero encontrar todas as subpastas, que contenham um arquivo de remarcação com o mesmo nome (e extensão .md
Por exemplo: Desejo encontrar as seguintes subpastas:
Apple/Banana/Orange #Apple/Banana/Orange/Orange.md exists
Apple/Banana #Apple/Banana/Banana.md exists
Apple/Banana/Papaya #Apple/Banana/Papaya/Papaya.md exists
- Nota: Pode haver outros arquivos ou subdiretórios no diretório
Alguma sugestão?
As soluções para o problema podem ser testadas usando o seguinte código:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# - goal: "Test"
# - author: Nikhil Agarwal
# - date: Wednesday, August 07, 2019
# - status: P T' (P: Prototyping, T: Tested)
# - usage: ./Test.sh
# - include:
# 1.
# - refer:
# 1. [directory - Find only those folders that contain a File with the same name as the Folder - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange](/unix/534190/find-only-those-folders-that-contain-a-file-with-the-same-name-as-the-folder)
# - formatting:
# shellcheck disable=
main() {
TestFunction "${1:?"Please enter a test number, as the first argument, to be executed!"}"
TestFunction() {
echo "Test Function"
echo "============="
echo ""
Test1() {
echo "Description: Thor"
find . -type f -regextype egrep -regex '.*/([^/]+)/\1\.md$' | sort
echo "Observation: ${Green:=}Pass, but shows filepath instead of directory path${Normal:=}"
Test2() {
echo "Description: Kusalananda1"
find . -type d -exec sh -c '
set -- "$dirpath"/*.md
[ -f "$dirpath/${dirpath##*/}.md" ] && [ "$#" -eq 1 ]' sh {} \; -print | sort
echo "Observation: ${Red:=}Fails as it ignores B.md${Normal:=}"
Test3() {
echo "Description: Kusalananda2"
find . -type d -exec sh -c '
for dirpath do
set -- "$dirpath"/*.md
if [ -f "$dirpath/${dirpath##*/}.md" ] && [ "$#" -eq 1 ]
printf "%s\n" "$dirpath"
done' sh {} + | sort
echo "Observation: ${Red:=}Fails as it ignores B.md${Normal:=}"
Test4() {
echo "Description: steeldriver1"
find . -type d -exec sh -c '[ -f "$1/${1##*/}.md" ]' find-sh {} \; -print | sort
echo "Observation: ${Green:=}Pass${Normal:=}"
Test5() {
echo "Description: steeldriver2"
find . -type d -exec sh -c '
for d do
[ -f "$d/${d##*/}.md" ] && printf "%s\n" "$d"
done' find-sh {} + | sort
echo "Observation: ${Green:=}Pass${Normal:=}"
Test6() {
echo "Description: Stéphane Chazelas"
find . -name '*.md' -print0 \
| gawk -v RS='\0' -F/ -v OFS=/ '
{filename = $NF; NF--
if ($(NF)".md" == filename) include[$0]
else exclude[$0]
END {for (i in include) if (!(i in exclude)) print i}'
echo "Observation: ${Red:=}Fails as it ignores B.md${Normal:=}"
Test7() {
echo "Description: Zach"
#shellcheck disable=2044
for fd in $(find . -type d); do
if [ -f "${fd}/${dir}.md" ]; then
ls "${fd}/${dir}.md"
echo "Observation: ${Green:=}Pass but shows filepath instead of directory${Normal:=}"
ExpectedOutput() {
echo "Expected Output"
echo "==============="
cat << EOT
TestData() {
rm -rf GeneratedTest
mkdir -p GeneratedTest/A/AA
touch GeneratedTest/index.md
touch GeneratedTest/A/A.md
touch GeneratedTest/A/AA/AA.md
mkdir -p GeneratedTest/B
touch GeneratedTest/B/B.md
touch GeneratedTest/B/index.md
mkdir -p GeneratedTest/C/CC1
touch GeneratedTest/C/index.md
touch GeneratedTest/C/CC1/CC1.md
mkdir -p GeneratedTest/C/CC2
touch GeneratedTest/C/CC2/CC2.md
mkdir -p GeneratedTest/C/CC3
touch GeneratedTest/C/CC3/CC.md
mkdir -p GeneratedTest/C/CC4
main "$@"
e foo/bar.md
deve foo
ser incluído ou excluído?
com find, você pode obter qualquer parte do jogo você quer, ver a minha edição