Formulei o seguinte problema hoje, enquanto brincava com o meu GPS. Aqui está :
Seja um gráfico direcionado, de modo que se então , ou seja, é uma orientação do gráfico não direcionado subjacente. Considere as seguintes operações:
- : Replace an edge with an edge
- : Make the edge undirected
Let be two special vertices. Consider the following optimization problems :
- Min-Flip st-connectivity : Given and two vertices find the minimum number of edges that need to be flipped to make a directed path from to .
- Min-Flip strong-connectivity : Given find the minimum number of edges that need to be flipped to make strongly connected. If it is not possible to make strongly connected by flipping edges then output NO.
- Min-undirect strong-connectivity : Given find the minimum number of edges that need to be undirected to make strongly connected.
Note that you are not allowed to add "new" edges. You are only modifying the existing edges using the above operations. Is this problem known in the literature. If so what are the known results ?